chapter 8

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you know how my brothers said they were going to be nice to me? well, that didn't last long.

i wish i could just be like them. big, and tough.. normal.


i looked behind me to see who smacked the back of my neck, but i couldn't find anyone so i returned to opening my locker. i grabbed my stuff for chemistry and closed my locker.

when i turned to the left to start walking to my class, my heart sunk.

there she was. talking to another guy. i know we aren't dating or anything and i haven't talked to her in a while but i just get so nervous. besides, she was beautiful, it would only be a matter of time before someone saw what i saw in her too.

but, when she saw me staring, she ran over and hugged me, which gave me hope.


"hey." i responded with a casual smile. i looked over her shoulder to get a better look at who hannah was talking to, but i looked back at her right away because he was staring at me too.

hannah must have noticed me looking because she giggled.


"that's just my brother," she smiled and laughed some more. my expression softened and i immediately felt stupid. "but i was wondering if maybe you would want to hang out today? maybe under the bleachers again? we never really got done talking about the stars."

i smiled.

"i'll pick you up at 7." i bopped her nose with my finger as i walked away and i heard her giggle behind me."

i walked by the group she was talking to with my head down. it's not that i was shamed of her, believe me, i wasn't, it's just that i was afraid she was ashamed of me.

but as soon as i passed, i felt a cold hand clamp my neck. the person didn't say anything, they just dragged me to the bathroom. from my experience, this was never good.

"so, you like my little sister?" i look up to see a tall guy with brown hair and brown eyes. i slowly nodded with my head down.

"and you're taking her to the bleachers tonight?"

"h-how di-d you k-kno-"

"let me tell you some ground rules. 1. curfew is 10 o'clock. not a minute later. 2. treat her like a lady. open the door for her. bring her flowers. and 3. never ever break her heart. because if you do, we'll be right here again, except then i won't have a smile on my face. got it?"
i nodded furiously.
"good boy. now go to chemistry."

i ran out of the bathroom making it to chemistry just in time. but i couldn't help but think about our conversation. how did he know so much stuff?

later that day

"okay guys, i'm going out!" i yelled time my brothers. i didn't think they would care, but they usually yell at me if i don't tell them.

after the date
i couldn't help but feel myself smiling as i drove home. i already dropped her off, but i've never felt something like this before. bottom line, she makes me really happy.

i drove the rest of the way home. i saw cole and eric's car in the driveway. i didn't want to talk to them, but i guess i didnt really have a choice.

as soon as i walked in, i was punched in the stomach. i hunched over in pain.

"w-what the hell wa-wa-was that f-for?!" i regained my composer and stood up.
i looked up to see eric was angry. uh oh

"where the hell were you?!" he screamed in my face.
i backed in the corner. i told him where i went. what does he mean?

"answer me you twerp!" he grabbed me by my collar and lifted me up.
"i-i-i went o-out! what's t-the big deal?! i yelled wh-when i left that i-i-i was l-leaving!" i answered. i know this isn't gonna end well.

he let go of me. huh, maybe i was righ-
i curled over. again, he punched me in the stomach.
"you're getting bullied and you think you can just go out without one of us!"
i've been bullied my whole life, dipshit. i thought.

i made a run for it. i'm actually pretty fast. i slammed and locked my door just at the right time. i heard him banging on the door and jiggling the door knob. i just ignored it and went to my windows and locked those, too.

eventually, he left and was able to fall asleep.

i woke up with a huge headache. i just ignored it and got dressed. i wore a big t-shirt and jeans.

i didnt really want to talk to my brothers (especially eric) this morning so i decided to ride my skateboard instead. i wrote a note saying i didn't need a ride, taped it to my door, and climbed out my window.

i guess you could say that was a little extra, but it's nice to get out every once and a while. besides, i didn't want to finish what eric started last night.

i arrived to school a little early, so i went to my locker. i decided that i wasn't going to go to class early today, because i felt like nothing could ruin my mood.

that was of course, until i saw eli with a bruised eye. he was walking towards me. oh shit. on no. he looked pissed, and if i'm going to be honest, that's not something i wanted to mess with.

i started to turn the other way and walk. maybe if i just ignored him, he would ignore me. i looked back, and he was speeding up. i sped up too. i mean, what else am i supposed to do? slow down?

as i looked back, i hit something in front of me, causing me to fall to the ground.
"s-s-so-sorry," i said, scrambling to my feet.

"well, well, well, look at who we have here!"
"r-really wyatt, this i-i-isn't a good time."
wyatt is one of eric's best friends, they have been every since they were little. yet, every time i'm around him, he scares the hell out of me.

i looked back, and eli wasn't there anymore. at least that means he's respectful to the bullies rules - never take someone else's nerd. there's many more too.

"well," wyatt said, snapping me out of thought, "why don't we have some fun?"

"n-no wyatt, i r-re-really have to g-get going, thanks t-th-though." i tried to walk away, but he pulled me back.
"no, i don't think so." he replied with an evil smile. it sent a shiver down my spine. he's actually really strong, and gives one hell of a wedgie. he never gives mercy, either. well, to me at least.

"w-what if we m-make a d-deal? you c-can do whatever y-y-you want t-to me the n-next time you're o-over if you j-just let me go n-now." i can't believe those words just came out of my mouth.

"alright, you got yourself a deal!" he said smiling.

"n-no! i t-take it b-back! i take i-it back!"

"no can do, little bro. now, go to class nerd"
he laughed because he knows i hate it when he calls me little bro.

i left with my head down. what had i just done to myself?

hey guys! i've been really busy and i've been trying to write, but it deletes every time so i gave up for a while. but, i'm back! do have any suggestions for this story, or even another one? dm me and i'll give you credit!
ps. i changed the characters again. ahh sorry, i just like these ones a lot better.
okay thanks, i hope you enjoy :)

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