chapter 11

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i am awoken by a large lump landing on me. it hurts like hell, especially since i haven't registered what's happening in my surroundings yet. i groan and turn over onto my side.

"you fucking bitch," i groan out. i open my eyes wearily and see cole still sitting on top of me.

"what'd you say to me?" he responds angrily. oh shit. you think i would know better than to talk back to my older brother by now, especially when he's already in a bad mood.

"n-nothing! i swear!" i swear, ed is rubbing off on me. my stupid stutter is coming back around cole and he knows it too. he knows how much power he has over us.

"glad to see the stutter is back, nerd," i role my eyes. "anywayyy you never-" he tugs harshly on my underwear that i didn't even realize he had a grip on. "-and i mean never-" he tugs hard again. it's already at my shoulder blades in two pulls. "talk to me like that again," two more tugs and he is able to hook it on my forehead. "understood?!" he yells.

"y-yes! yes i-i get it!" he flips me so now i'm laying on my back with my wedgie still hooked on my forehead. "yes what." i know he's snickering even despite my current blindness. he has the most sadistic smile i've ever seen, and it sends shivers down my spine every time. he tugs on the front of my underwear, and a squeal slips through my lips. i can hear him chuckle.

"y-y-yes sir." i answer with a quivering lip.

"good little nerd." he taps the top of my head with his left hand as he gives me one hell of a melvin with his right.

when he gets to my mid-chest he says, "open your mouth." i know better than to not comply, and do as i am told with my lip still quivering. he gives another hard tug to the point where the front of my waistband is up to my mouth. he shoves some of my underwear into my mouth and i groan. "now close." i do as i'm told once again. i hear a snap and know he took a picture of my little predicament. great. "alright now admit your a little bitch boy nerd and i'm better than you," i tried to keep whatever pride i had left in me and i retaliated. suddenly, i felt a fist land on my stomach. then my ribs and abdomen. shit that hurt. "let's try this again," he smirks and pulls on my underwear again. i scream but it comes out muffled.

"i- mghhf amf mfffff!!" i try to yell out. "what was that? i couldn't hear you." he laughs and more punches fall onto me. this process continues for like ten more minutes until he finally gets bored of me. thank God. he walks out of my room and i spit my briefs out.

i resituate myself and roll over to my phone. suddenly, i smile forgetting about the conversation i had last night. my day just got a little better.

"hurry the hell up!" cole yells up the stairs. dammit. how does everything i do seem to make him mad? "i'm coming calm your tits!" i yell back. though i might be scared of cole, i still have a reputation to hold up with ed.

i try walking out of the door, but cole pushes me back inside. "after our little session this morning," i gulp remembering. "i was reminded just how much fun it is to mess with you." shit. i feel like i just got him to get off my case more. he smirks his infamous smirk. "turn around." i do. "good to see even after a nice break from your dear older brother, you still remember your place, nerd," i hang my head low. he takes off my shirt and pulls hard on the back of my underwear. he then loops the legholes through my arms and forces my shirt back on me. "now keep that on all day." i nod my head in defeat. "yes, sir," i mumble. i hate being this vulnerable around cole again.
when we get to school,  i walk away from both of my brothers. this shoulder wedgie hurts like hell, but i'm not gonna let it stop me from the world of fun im about to have with my plan.

i walk to the lockers eli and i agreed to meet up at. a dap him up and he does the same. "alright, so i'm thinking that we get him somewhere secluded, where he literally won't have any chance of getting help," i start. "ok," i smile forms on eli's face. "like where?" he asks. "my house." i say. we both smile wider and agree. tonight, ed won't know what hit him.

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