Chapter 10

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"Where do you want to go today?" Wei Wuxian pops his head into Jiang Cheng's room. His brother takes off his headphones and gives him a questioning look. Wei Wuxian sighs and repeats the question.

"Go with Huaisang. I'm staying home today."

"You're no fun," Wei Wuxain whines. "Don't you want to spend time together?"

"I'm going to end up seeing your face everyday for the next month or so." Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes. "Is that not enough time?"

"So mean," Wei Wuxian mutters. "Come on, Jiang Cheng." Wei Wuxian slings his arms over his brother's shoulders. " Who else are you going to hang out with? If it's Huaisang, I always tag along."

"Who says I need to hang out with anyone?" Jiang Cheng scowls as he shrugs off Wei Wuxian's arms. "I'm perfectly content with staying in my room all day."

"And staring at your computer until your eyes burn out?"
"Yes! And don't give me a lecture about that! You did the exact same thing all summer!"

"I did not!" Wei Wuxian protests. "Come on, Jiang Cheng! We're going to do karaoke and check out that new Japanese barbeque restaurant in the mall. Maybe even go to an arcade! It could be our late birthday celebration!"

"Ugh fine!" Jiang Cheng gives in. " But if we're going in the car, I'm driving. I do not want to get pulled over like last time." Wei Wuxian smiles innocently. Jiang Cheng's expression changes and he looks carefully at Wei Wuxian.

"Are you sure you're okay to leave the house? Last time..." He trails away. Wei Wuxian stiffens but he maintains a smile and waves his hand.

"Don't worry. Doing something outside of the house will keep my mind off it. I've mostly forgotten it."

"Right." Jiang Cheng didn't look convinced. "Anyways, if this is a late celebration of our birthdays like you claim, who's paying for food and games? Don't tell me you'll dump it all on Huaisang." he asks as they leave the house to get into the car.

"Of course not!" Wei Wuxian says indignantly. "We both got birthday money, didn't we? Red envelopes sent in the mail and everything. We're just treating ourselves."

Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes and pulls out of the driveway to drive to Huaisang's house.

"You could have walked over here since this was your idea," Jiang Cheng grumbles as Huaisang climbs into the car.

"I would, but it's too cold!"
"Excuses," Jiang Cheng scoffs. "It's a five minute walk!"

"It would have been faster to drive anyways. The arcade will get crowded if we don't go early in the morning."

"You call this early?! It's almost noon!"

Wei Wuxian sticks his tongue out at him, then starts flipping through his social media apps. Meanwhile Nie Huaisang puts on music.

"Seriously?! Taylor Swift?!"

"Keep your eyes on the road, ChengCheng. Road rage isn't safe."

"Who are you calling ChengCheng?! I'll kick you both out of my car right now if you don't shut up!"

The bickering dies down as they continue towards the highway and soon arrive at their destination. The arcade is unexpectedly not that busy as the group makes their way towards the cashier to buy the arcade card.

"Let's see how many plushies we can win!" Wei Wuxian cheers as he waves his card around and throws his arms around his friend and brother.

"Don't you have enough of them?" Jiang Cheng wacks his hand away.

Once in a lifetime ( WangXian Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now