Chapter 1: The Beginning

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...Long ago there were three races; Humans, Bunnypeople, and Monsters.

The three races lived together in peace, before a war broke out. The humans were victorious.

The Monsters were sealed underground with magic while the Bunnypeople disapeared without a trace.


Mt. Ebbot, 20XX.
It is said any human who climbs Mt. Ebbot never returns.

Meanwhile.. A small child climbs the mountain, Brown hair flowing in the wind. Suddenly they trip on a  loose vine,  tumbling down into a hole in the mountain. Never to return.

Cucumber stood along side his sister, Almond. And his two friends; Sir Carrot and Princess Nautilus.

Wand in hand, he had defeated the last Disaster Master. Glitchmaster.

He stared at the Disaster Stone. There was no real point putting it in his wand.

He turned to Cosmo, who looked on, her eyes hidden behind her glasses.

Cucumber reached out, about to hand her the stone when suddenly the ground shook, the five shouting in suprise.

A portal opened up undeneath them. Screaming, Cucumber braced for impact.


With a shout, Cucumber sat up. Breathing heavily he looked around. He was sitting on a patch of buttercups next to an unconscious rabbit..

"Almond!" Cucumber ran over to her before falling over. Ah great, he had injured his leg pretty bad.

Taking a sharp breath of pain he crawled over to his sister. "Almond..?"

Almond began to stir, opening her eyes slowly. "Cuco..?"

Cucumber sighed in relief. "Where the heck are we?" She said, waking up a bit more.

Cucumber frowned, looking around once more. "I don't know.."

He stilled, Nautilus and Sir Carrot weren't there. Cucumber looked down at his wand in the pile of buttercups fearfully.

He checked his wand, realizing with a gasp that Splashmaster's and Noisemaster's Disaster Stones were gone.

"Almond- The Disaster Stones are-"

A groan came from behind him. His fur stood on end as he noticed he and Almond weren't alone.

He turned around, realizing in shock what was behind him

Almond grabbed he sword, standing up swiftly and looking at.. Okay she didn't know what it was but it wasn't good.

Cucumber shifted back in suprise. "A... Human..?"

The human stirred, looking up at him in suprise.

"Cuco what in Dreamside is that??"

Cucumber looked at Almond with wide eyes. "I- Thats a Human. I read about them while studying for school.."

The Human sat up, looking at the Bunnypeople with a look of shock.

They signed. 'Are you Monsters?'

Cucumber looked confused. "Monsters..?"

"Who are you calling monsters!?" Yelled an offended Almond.


The Human signed again. 'How did you get here?'

Cucumber shrugged, eyes full of concern and confusion.

The Human paused before shrugging and walking forward without a single word.



Cucumber and Almond ran after them, following them into a seemingly empty room.

Empty that is.. Except for the smiling flower in the center of the room. Wait. Smiling?

"Let's get this over wi- wait what." The flower spoke, taken aback as he noticed the two Bunnypeople.


Cucumber gasped in shock, Almond stepping back, holding her sword firmly.

After a beat of silence the flower spoke up again, putting on an unsettling smile.

"...Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey The Flower!" The flower spoke happily, though still confused.

"You two are Bunnypeople, Aren't ya!"

"..Y-yeah. We are. I'm Cucumber and this is Almond-"

"Yeah yeah don't need your whole life story. You got souls right?"


Flowey paused before mumbling something along the lines of 'God do I have to explain everything around here' Under his breath.'

He took a breath before the world became black and white.

The kid next to him had a red heart in front of them, while he and Almond had an upside down  one.

Almond's was orange and his green.

"That's your soul! The very culmination of your being! Down here, LV is shared through little white 'Friendliness Pellets." He said that last bit with a quiet snicker.

"What does-" "What does LV stand for? Why LOVE of course!"

The kid rolled(?) their eyes.

"You want some LOVE don't you?" Flowey summoned the 'friendliness pellets'.

"Move around, catch as many as you can!"

Almond looked skeptical while Cucumber moved forward. She grabbed her brothers arm before he could grab one and pulled him back.

The flower's eye twitched as the kid also dodged.

"Hey buddy. You missed them."
He fired again, this time all of them dodging.

"Are you braindead? Run. Into. The. Bulle- Friendliness pellets!"

He fired quicker, this time hitting Cucumbers arm.

Cucumber wincing in pain as his HP dropped to 1 and dropping his wand.

"Cuco!" Almond ran over. The flower laughing as more bullets surrounded them.


Almond readied her sword but it was knocked out of her hands by Flowey's bullets.

The kid looked over at Cucumber. Their face unreadable as Flowey laughed.

Suddenly a warmth was felt in front of them as a fireball was summoned out of this air and was hurled toward the laughing flower.

The kid's face was filled with releif and familiarity as they saw it.

Flowey, with a yelp was flown to the side as the fireball collided, falling to the ground and burrowing away in frustration.

"What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor innocent youth."

Cucumber and Almond looked up, shocked as they saw a large fluffy goat towering over them.

Her face was filled with concern and calmness. Her purple robe flowing behind her.

"Do mot be afraid my child. I am Toriel, Caretaker of the ruins."

CucumberTale! (Undertale x Cucumber Quest AU)Where stories live. Discover now