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3rd pov

It's 8:30 in the morning, Siren wakes up first and finds himself intertwined with Kappa in a loving embrace. Only a minute later Kappa wakes up as well, blushing at how close they are. They look into each others eyes for a minute and share a cute little peck on the lips. They get up and get ready before going out to the main corridor, where Queen Nee is already working away. "Oh goodmorning guys! How'd ya sleep?" They were both silent for a moment before saying "Okay" at the same time. Kappa and Siren looked at eachother and giggled a bit before looking back at queen Nee. "We were thinking about leaving today, so we'll probably be gone later in the day" Siren said. "Aww okay, i'll miss you guys!" Queen Nee said, giving Kappa a hug. "We'll miss you too Nee." Kappa said, hugging back. Siren was secretly a little bit Jealous, but he didn't say anything knowing he didn't have to worry about Queen Nee stealing Kappa. A few hours later after eating and saying their goodbyes they set off.

"Keep out adjective in mind, we gotta find my dad" Siren said, quietly. "Oh! Wow so many things have happened I totally forgot about that, we'll find him in no time!" Kappa exclaimed, he had been feeling a bit down since he hasn't done any prophecies. Defeating Lord Ogo was a win but it was so tiring that the feeljng of victory wore off almost immediately. Kappa felt like there was no real purpose for him now. He wished he wasn't the beacon so he could go on crazy and scary adventures like Siren without being loved be every being they came across. Maybe, just maybe, there was a fish in the sea that didn't praise him?

Kappa and Siren were walking along the ocean floor looking for any castle in the area so they could ask if anyone had seen Shoal.(Sirens dad) When suddenly Kappa attached to a Catalyst, he was delighted that he found a prophecy but Siren wasn't. He immediately grabbed Kappas arm as they were both dragged to what they found to be a castle. It dragged Kappa to the front door and the guards immediately recognized the Beacon. "Oh my.. it's the beacon! Grab him!" Guard one said, then scurrying off for backup. Another guard grabbing him and restraining him. Siren was alarmed and charged the guard who seemed to be trying to keep Kappa captive. He lunged forward and bit an area that wasn't coated in armor so Kappa could get free. The guard grabbed Siren by the neck and pulled him off, attempting to strangle him. After a bit of struggling Kappa got his Arms free and attacked the guard. He grabbed him then flipped him on his back before repeatedly punching him in the torso then kicking him down the castle stairs. Two guards had shown up as backup who were horrified to see the beacon attacking another guard. Kappa ran forward and rammed the guards heads together before grabbing them by the necks and shoving them face first into the ground. "What type of disrespect?! I'm here to help you and you attack me?! What's your prophecy anyways?!" Kappa screamed. "W-we're supposed to drink your blood to give us eternal life and happiness.." One of the guards said, strained. Kappa was taken aback by this statement. "D-drink my blood?" Kappa said quietly. "You're sick." There was a long silence before Kappa let go and started tugging on the rope attached to his chest. It was tough, and it hurt but he wouldn't let these people drink him dry like he was just a refreshing drink before a meal. Kappa screamed but he managed to get the catalyst off in a shattering light blast. He was already drained and it was 2 pm in the afternoon. He hated being the beacon.

Siren was sitting against a stone piller, in awe. He'd almost never seen Kappa be so strong. The glimmer of his red scales, the way his hair fell over his eyes, his amazing strength dealing with those guards. My god, Siren had gotten lucky finding a person like Kappa. He also felt bad, sitting back while Kappa dealt with everything. He always thought Kappa would have it easy being the beacon and all, but now he realizes how much stress for his life he must be put under. He immediately stood up and grabbed Kappas Arm, pulling him away from the castle. "We need to get out before more guards show up." That may have been true, but they were too late. Four more guard showed up, and didn't say anything before one struck kappa with his sword.

Kappa screamed out in pain, it was a large wound. It trailed from halfway up his tail to a quarter up his back. Blood started filling the water as Kappa fell back into Sirens arms. Siren was mortified, immediately swimming at top speed in the opposite direction. He couldn't face them by himself, he didn't have any abilities to help him. He swam and swam until he found a small cottage out of the way which he hid behind until the guards left. He was practically holding Kappas wound closed, trying to stop the bleeding. He had medical supplies from Queen Nee and some ointment Skiff and given him four months ago. He didn't know exactly what he was doing, but he had to do it fast. Kappa was still conscious but he was in too much pain to react much. Siren started using towels to stop the bleeding and he then applied ointment. Kappa had passed out, but he repeatedly checked his pulse to make sure he was alive. It was a bit slowed, but that was only from blood loss. Once he got the bleeding to come almost to a stop he applied the ointment and bandages. He knew he shouldn't move Kappa, so he didn't. They would just have to stay behind this old cottage for a night or two.

Siren was staying awake watching Kappa to make sure he was okay, a few hours had passed. He was tired, but he had to stay awake for Kappa. Suddenly, a petite old woman appeared in front of him. She had sharp pointy teeth and a tail exactly like sirens. He was taken aback. "W-who are you?" Siren said. "Come Siren, it seems you need some help.

Haha i'm leaving you on a cliffhanger, sorry but this is really long and i'll probably have another chapter out soon. I lost my phone for a day or two so that's why I haven't uploaded! Enjoy -Jocelyn <3

1125 words

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