A not so pleasant surprise

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3rd pov

"Kappa!" Siren yelled out, already feeling tears pour down his face. Seeing him with this many injuries was unbearable. Siren swam up as fast as he could, the king behind him. Siren kneeled and put his ear to Kappas chest. His heartbeat, it was slowing. Siren went into a state of panic and started yelling to him. "Kappa!!! Wake up!! Come on you gotta stay with me!!" He was bleeding more and more by the second, the pool of blood was growing fast. Siren snapped out of it, calming down enough to take action. He picked the beacon up and started booking towards what he assumed was a clinic in the castle. He set him down and yelled for help from the servants. They rushed forward, immediately going to wrap his whole body in bandages. After a few minutes a nurse walked up "At this rate, he isn't going to wake up. He'll just, fade away. The most humane thing we can do is let him go. I'm sorry for your loss." The nurse said, then walking back in. Siren couldn't feel anything, it was as though his body and mind were put on pause. He couldn't process anything, he was just staring at the ground in disbelief. Kappa? Dying? That was out of question. Suddenly the king walked up to snap Siren out of his haze. "I can bring him back." He said, Siren was confused. "What?" Siren said quietly. The king had a stare of emptiness. "I know of an ancient spell I can use to exchange my life force for his. I am going to do this, there are no options. But first I want to speak to you about something." The king said, with no hesitation. "My king you don't-" Siren was cut off "I'm going to. Kappa is a dear friend, before Argo was possessed they were best of friends." He said. "O-okay. But what do you need to talk about?" Siren said, curious. "Are you searching for your father? I can tell, you look like him. He is alive. He was here not too long ago, and he said he was headed north to another castle." The king said. Siren was so surprised he almost fell over. "H-how?!" He said, completely shocked. "Don't question, just keep looking for him. He's strayed from his old life too far, bring him back." The king said, a solemn tone to his voice. Siren could only stare. "Now, goodbye Siren. It's my time to pass into the afterlife now" The king then walked into the office. Siren saw a blinding gold light before hearing a thud followed bye some shrieking. "My king" a nurse said "Is he okay??!!" Another said. "He isn't breathing! Get him on the table." The doctor said. A few minutes later they called it, the king was gone. They moved Kappa to another room. He was completely fine, although he still scarred. The king could trade their life forces, but he couldn't change much physically. He made sure that his cuts were closed, and healed enough so he could move. Siren felt bad, but happy Kappa was still with him.

530 words

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