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Third pov

    Kappa always felt very unadaquete, his powers never manifested in him. He couldn't do what the beacon was supposed to. He wondered if his older self could be happy, living free from pressure. Living free from this accursed title. He was used to simply being, well, the beacon. He would never be anything else. At least that's how he felt, until Siren came along. He treated him, like a person. Like he was real, not just some tool to fix all your problems. Feeling real was a new feeling to him, and the thought of loosing that is painful. He had plenty of nightmares after Siren almost died. Nightmares about the people he couldn't protect in the past, and the people he may not be able to protect in the present. He tried to not dwell, but what else is there to do in such a situation? Wonder? Hope? No. The answer was live. Live day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. Siren helped with that, especially with his reassuring smile, his way with words. Siren was intense sometimes, keeping things in line was the way he was raised. Sometimes kappa worried about sirens thoughts, what he had on his mind. It has to be a lot, keeping up with his life. Nevertheless, they were proud of each other. Kappa and Siren (plus worm) against the world

So, ik this is short. I honestly am less intrigued by castle swimmer as i used to be. But here this!! all of kappas thoughts and feelings captured into one long paragraph. So, I wont be updating this often. But I am writing a botw Sidlink fjc, so beware of updates on that. Im in school again, so Updates will be coming in later in the day. thanks for reading!!
peace ♡♡♡

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