Chapter 2. The Sky With No Clouds

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Ma sat meditating in the hidden garden of the Sanctuary, trying to make contact with her adopted daughter Jade without success.  They had argued about whether they should stay in the safety of the Sanctuary or try to make it to the Bunker, where the Heroes were.  Ma called them Heroes remembering how they had stopped that Thanos guy from killing everyone after he had killed half of all people the first time.  Ma had been able to sense and stop the Snap from happening to her, Jade and Ben but Jade's husband Seth had been on a foraging expedition in the Badlands and had never returned.  At the time they had thought he disappeared in the Snap but when the Heroes reversed it five years after the Snap and Seth didn't return Ma knew it was something else.  A year after Thanos was defeated for good the Others came.  Life became a struggle for everyone, even the Heroes.  That's why Jade wanted to go on to the Bunker.  She had found out what would kill the Others and she wanted the Heroes to know about it.  The old woman decided to try one more time to reach Jade.  Focusing on the talisman made of jade in her hand she pictured her daughter and sent her a thought.

"Jade, wake up," she thought.
There was nothing at first then she heard it, weak but alive.  "Ma, I made it," thought Jade back to her.  "I'm alive and in the Bunker."
"Rest Jade," said Ma.  "Get your strength.  Ben and I are safe.  We will wait for you.  Take your time."

Jade acknowledged the advice and her thoughts turned soft as she allowed herself to sleep.  Ma could hear Jade's subconscious as she slipped into the sleep cycle.  When the dream cycle started and it was a dream of the three of them playing she was satisfied and withdrew from Jade's mind.  Her daughter was alive and with the Heroes.

There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in
Anthem by Leonard Cohen

Bruce watched his patient as he sterilized his instruments.  She had stirred briefly about an hour previously and he thought she would waken but he realized she had gone from unconsciousness to sleeping.  It was confirmed when he noticed the rapid eye movement behind her eye lids.  Thank goodness Bucky had cleaned her up.  He wouldn't have noticed the REM with all the crusted dirt on her eyes.  Her colour was better, proof that the broad spectrum antibiotic had done its work and was battling the poison that most Other wounds often had.  She must have been terrified to come through the Badlands alone.  The fact the Others may have followed her into the Badlands was an indication to him that she was important.  The Others weren't stupid.  They didn't go where there wasn't water.  It's why the Bunker was built where it was, in the middle of the desert next to the Badlands of New Mexico.  Once a connection had been made that the Others liked water most survivors had found ways to isolate their water supplies to keep them hidden from the aliens.  Until this strange woman woke up Bruce wouldn't know why she came through the Badlands nor why the Others were after her. 

He wished Wanda was here

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He wished Wanda was here.  She could gently probe the woman's mind while she slept.  But she was on leave, having slipped into a depression on the anniversary of Vision's death.  He felt compassion for her as he also struggled on the anniversaries of Natasha's death.  Wanda and Vision at least had declared their love and had been able to have a physical relationship.  He hadn't ever really told Natasha how he felt and had run when she tried to push the relationship further.  To the end of his days he would always regret that.  He heard a small groan and he jumped out of his chair, coming to the bedside.  He checked her IV and when he looked at her again her eyes were open and she was looking at him.

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