Chapter 3. The Sanctuary (Mild Sexual Content)

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Photoedit by Instagram artist nixakimbo.

Ma was still meditating when she became aware of Ben watching her. At almost eleven years old he had mostly been in the company of Ma, his grandmother, and Jade, his mother. His father had died when he was still a small child so he had no memories of Dad himself, just those his mother and Ma shared with him. He sat watching Ma, wanting to ask her a question but he knew that he couldn't interrupt the meditation until she told him so. So he waited and watched. Eventually she smiled and gave him her full attention.

"Go ahead, ask," she said. "I know you want to voice it."

"Are the Heroes coming for us?" he asked.

"Yes, they are," she replied. "One of them has a dog and he has already become friends with your mother. I'm sure he will be friends with you as well."

"Will they like me?" he said. "Or will they think I am strange?"

"They can think you are strange and still like you," she replied. "But I don't think they will find you too strange. Just different because you haven't been raised as other children."

"I dreamed of one of the Heroes," he said. "Mom shared her dream with me. I think she loves him."

"Your mother has some clairvoyant abilities," she said. "But it's not a sure thing. He is considered strange himself. His past is complicated and was filled with pain and then sadness. He's a watcher like you so you have that in common. Just be yourself."

"I'm going to read," he said. "What book should I bring with me?"

"The Hobbit," said Ma, smiling. "Definitely The Hobbit."

And the fire in your eyes keeps me alive
I'm sure in her you'll find sanctuary
                    She Sells Sanctuary by The Cult

And the fire in your eyes keeps me aliveI'm sure in her you'll find sanctuary                    She Sells Sanctuary by The Cult

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The two vehicles bounced through the rough ground of the Badlands. Jade sat in the front seat of the modified Crown Victoria driven by Steve. Bucky sat in the back with Wanda. The second vehicle was driven by Clint with Peter riding shotgun, Maria in the back and Sam flying overhead. He deployed Red Wing watching for signs of the The Others. All of them were armed, even Jade. Bucky had come to her a few days after her arrival and asked if she knew how to fire a gun. She said no and Bruce let her go with Bucky to learn. She knew that wasn't the only reason he wanted to teach her. This was a way for him to get close to her and she liked that. He was a big man, with broad shoulders, a well-defined torso, and muscular legs. Jade barely came to his shoulder and he had leaned into her to show her how to hold the rifle properly. The recoil pushed her back into his chest and he held her by her arms to steady her. She liked how he spoke to her. His voice was calm and steady, never angry or disturbed. When she scored a bulls eye on her eighth shot he praised her and she felt like she accomplished something. After the session was over he took the rifle from her then removed her ear protection and looked down to her. She looked up at him. Ma had always taught her to look everyone in the eye so there was no mistaking your intentions, or theirs. She had showed him the image of them kissing, just a flash of it. For a moment she thought he would but he stepped back and put the headphones back on her head for the next lesson. When he taught her to shoot a handgun the same thing happened, except he had touched her hand with his when he positioned her hand on the gun.

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