Chapter 3

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The black steed, upon its back, a white dress and flowing (h/c) hair.

There she was. 

My first instinct was to race down the cliff.  Then it hit me, I can just teleport.

I pictured where I wanted to be and jumped. I landed in front of the horse.

The steed reared up and neighed loudly. It swung its front legs back and forth.

The horse finally came down and it's rider slowly got off.

"You're the boy from yesterday." Her sweet airy voice slowly spoke as she calmed the horse by petting its side.

I just stood in shock, to see her closer up, to hear her talk.

"I-I im Adeptus xiao."  I quickly bowed to her nervously. Why was I acting like this? Was her charm so strong Id loose control of myself?

"I am well aware of who you are." She giggled lightly as she walked closer to me.

I blushed as she got closer. Her figure was perfect, she was slim with hips.
"You are...?" I asked questioningly.

"Adeptus made a contract with morax."  She asked gently as she brought her hands up to cup my face.

I quickly pulled away embarrassed. Not letting her touch my face.

She brought her hands down, she almost looked hurt at my actions. She turned around and started to walk away.

'Dammit xiao' I thought to myself, how could I do that.
I stepped forward but stood on stomething soft.

As she continued to walk away her head jerked back as I realized, what I was standing on.

"If you are going to be rude to me I will have you sent off." She stated firmly as she turned around.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't realize I was standing on your hair." I quickly said as I stepped off of it and picked up the end and brought it to her.

The black horse quickly stepped in between me and her.

"This is kaiju, he's my friend, if you wish to befriend me, you must win his approval first."
She climbed on the horse and turned around and started to walk away.

"Wait!" I started to run by the horse, but it started to pick up speed and left me behind.

I was left standing there blushing as I huffed and teleported back to wangshu inn.

I walked up the stairs of wangshu inn feeling defeated

'Why did I do that... I should've seen where I was going.' I mentally face palmed. Thinking about her, how close her hands got to my face. I blushed again, whenever this happens, it's I feel hot...and down there... feels weird.

The thought of her made the feeling burn brighter.

I tried to brush it off as I continued walking.  I teleported to the top of the inn.  The scene of her replayed in my mind.

(Some time later)

"Ugh xiao just stop it." I groaned in annoyance, I shouldn't be focused on some goddess I need to be protecting the people of liyue.

I sat down and closed my eyes, I held my head in my hands.

"Xiao! ... xiao!!" I heard my name called I saw Verr goldet walk out onto the balcony. 

I looked down at her and waited for her to speak.

"I think the girl who you were talking about is here." She said as she put her hands on her hips.

I was excited on the inside, but I couldn't let it show.

I jumped down and followed her to the lower balcony and saw a girl walking bare foot with long (h/c) hair braided swing close to the ground as she walked a white and brown horse next to her.

I wanted to hear what she had to say, was she here to talk to me?

I hid around the corner and leaned up against the wall.

"I found this horse, she's tame and obviously has an owner, I was near by and I found her wandering about, she has a halter and her hooves are well taken care of." She explained as she gently patted the horses neck

"Wait!" A man ran over and was out of breath and leaned on his knees. "I've been looking for her everywhere this is my horse Chira" the man said as he walked up to the horse.

The horse walked up to the man and rubbed its nose on the mans face. He laughed as he petted the horse.

"Thank you for finding her!" He exclaimed and bowed to her.

"Oh it's no problem, she's a sweet girl and deserves to be with her owner"  the goddess smiled and waved at the man innocently. 

She walked to the man and handed him a braided piece of black hair.

" I'll give you this I thought that I would give you a piece of horse mane that I keep with me for good luck, it's from my own horse, hopefully she doesn't get lost again. she explained to the man.

He hugged her and thanked her once more, she hugged him back and laughed.

Did I feel jealous of the man? The burn of envy tightened in my chest. I couldn't take it. I rushed out and separated the man from her. I breathed hard and kept my gaze to the ground. 

"Uh... I'm sorry" the man said confused as he looked at me with a worried look.

I had realized what I had done and in Shame I teleported away.

"W-what has come over me?" I asked as I gripped my hair with my hand. I clenched my teeth and squeezed my eyes closed.

"What's wrong?" A sweet voice came behind me.

I quickly opened my eyes and snapped my head around.

She stood bent over and looked at me with question in her eyes. I fell backwards and caught myself with my arms on the roofing.

"Are you jealous perhaps?" She asked as she scooted closer to me

"I'm not troubled by those idiotic mortal emotions." Huffed as I turned away from her

"Yet you didn't like it when I embraced that man" she asked as a butterfly came down end landed on her finger.

I continued to ignore her, I couldn't just flat out try to explain what came over me.

(Your POV)

This xiao boy was in denial, I could tell, his breathing quickened when I brought it up, a small blush came across his ears.

"Awww are you blushing?" I asked as I adored the boy in front of me.

"N-no! I'm not!" He exclaimed as he stood up.

I looked at him but something stood out. His pants were growing tighter.

I blushed, even though I'm a goddess of pleasure I can't help but blush.

He looked at me confused then followed my gaze and saw where I was looking. His face immediately flushed red and he teleported away.

(Xiao pov)

I teleported to jueyun karst. I landed and covered my mouth to keep me from cursing out.

"Of all times,why now?" I growled in embarrassment.

I knew something strange was happening, I went ahead and read about bodies, and how they function. When I read about what was happening to me I immediately closed the book and denied everything.

How could I get aroused by a goddess?

I looked down at my pants and sighed heavily.

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