Chapter 10

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(Your POV)

I sat, my hand covered my mouth.

I could feel his anger and sadness. It was so much, I didn't understand how he could keep this much emotion bottled up. As a goddess it was important that I understood people feelings and how they really felt.

The overwhelming frustration that I felt from him made me choke on my tears and cover my mouth with both my hands as tears bubbled down my face.

Scenes of red and chains in caged my mind as I sat I couldn't believe what I was seeing... how could this happen to him?

I stood up gained my balance and made my way to my desk and grabbed a piece of paper and pen.

I needed to apologize.

Dear Xiao,

  I'm sorry that I've made you feel this way, I can understand if you probably don't want to see for a while.  You don't have to take care of me any more.  I'm sorry that I forced you to have that blanket. I'm sorry that you had to look after me. I'm sorry for the things that I have done. I can feel how upset you are and I now understand that you need time and I need to go away.

I'm sorry, I hope to meet again.

The feeling could make me collapse at any second, more tears fell down my cheeks, some fell onto the paper and stained it.

I grabbed a leather bag and stuffed it full of items and took the note and set it on the kitchen table and opened the door.  A cold wind blew and the dark was consuming.

I couldn't wallow in myself now... I whistled loudly and  I heard thumping in the distance.

Kaiju came running and stopped In front of me as I walked out to him. 

I grabbed the bottom of his Mane and jumped on.

I was scared and lightly kicked the kaiju's sides to make him go faster, we came upon the three small islands far north eastern of jueyun karst and walked till we got to the edge of the island and waded out to the small island and waded up to his withers to the shore of wuwang hill and qingce village.

I jumped off of kaiju, he was tired and I could tell.

"We're almost there boy, just a bit more." I assured him as he rubbed his head on my shoulder.

We kept walking until we go to steps and waking up them.

Treasure hoarders stopped and looked at me and kaiju.

I really wasn't in the mood to actually fight.

One charged at me with a shovel and attempted to hit me over the head with it.

A vine shot out of the ground and hit him and knocked him down into the water where he drowned.

The rest looked at me in shock. They ran past me and away from the spot that I was trying to get to.

I lead kaiju down Into the rocky area with the water fall and walked In to the hidden Cavern.

It was hard for people to see since the entrance matched the outside rock.

We walked down the stairs into the large opening. We walked out onto the grass

(If you are confused as to what I'm talking about here's a pic ^^)

This was where I was born, when I was born all of the large trees sprouted

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This was where I was born, when I was born all of the large trees sprouted.

I went over to the piece of open, flat spots and laid down and kaiju laid down behind me.

I leaned up against him and pet him while my eyebrows knitted together.

(Xiao's pov)

It was now morning when I came down from the high of my emotions.

I didn't understand the sudden outburst but I felt better that it was gone now.

No matter how much I put up the tough guy act deep down I want to be with someone who understood what what happening.

Like I got hit in the head with a hammer I remembered that I threw her blanket into the water.

I quickly jumped down to the balcony and looked down in search for it.

I saw it floating stuck around a post holding up part of wangshu inn.

I jumped down and grabbed onto the pole and leaned down and grabbed it.

It was soaked. I got to dry land and started ringing it out, once I got most of the water out it was still damp and some of the strands of yarn were torn and tattered. I found two sticks and set them up in the sand and let the blanket rest on them to sun dry.

Ultimately I felt bad for what I had done.

I wanted to go see her and apologize. Maybe I should just go see her the normal time.. she probably needs time to relax since she's sick.


I had been thinking about going to see her all day, the thought of walking into her house like usual made me feel at ease.

Finally the sun had set and I teleported to the outside of her house.

I took a deep breath before opening the door. I walked in and made a bee line for her room. I rounded the corner and peeked In as I always did, but.

She wasn't there.

I hurriedly went all the way in and stood in confusion before the panic started to set in.

"(Y-y/n)?" I said loudly as I ran over to the bed and pulled the covers off and found nothing but empty.

Where was she? Please... tell me.

I ran to the room that was across from her bedroom and quickly opened the door,

Nothing... just the boxes that sat and collected dust.

My breathing was out of control, I was scared...

I ran into the kitchen and searched frantically.

Finally the white paper on the table caught my attention.

I went over and picked up the paper and read the note.

She... was apologizing for something that I had caused.

Apologizing for her being sick.

Apologizing for the blanket she had made.

Apologizing for me having to take care of her.

My hand went into a fist and crumpled the side of the paper I was holding.

It was night too. I remember that zhongli explained why she was afraid to go out at night.

Clenched my jaw closed and gripped my hair with my free hand and seethed at my own actions.

The little house felt so cold without her.

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