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"I am Mr

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"I am Mr. Lee" the voice said.

"Seok...seokjin....hyung" Jimin said gasping at the man in front of him. Its like he knows this man but also he doesn't. It's not like the Jin who loved and enjoyed life. Its like this man was here just for revenge. His eyes looked dead cold emotionless. no smile, no warmth just a cold human. A man of vegenance and not warmth and love.

"Nick.. Mr. Nick Lee hello. And you might be Park Jimin, Park Eunseok's son right?" The man said streching his hand for a handshake. Nick Lee did he forget he is Kim Seokjin jimin thought. his brain pondered oover how this man who claimed to be nick knew his father who has long cut off any connections with him. The omega held his 6 months old closer protectively sp that this man couldn't hurt him.

"Its Jeon Jimin hy..i mean Nick..Husband of Jeon Jungkook" Jimin said hesitantly shaking hands with seokjin or Nick. his hands so cold unlike Jin's warms ones. Jimin Quickly pulled his hand back feeling a little uncomfortable for the man's sick smirk. Like he could see right through Jimin and tell very well that Jimin hated his husband's last name by now too. And that's what creeped the omega. This man knew too much about him and everyone.

"J..in what sick joke is this...it's Seokjin...Kim Seokjin...what Lee and nick" Yoongi asks eyes teary at his brother who looked so distant. So cold. He is standing in front of Jin after an year of that cruel day and this is hoe he sees the man. Nick he didn't like this alter ego like man. those grey wolf eyes that replaced Jin's usual brown doe ones hurt. Hurt a lot. The omega's Shakey arms cups the Alpha's face the tears running down his face now.

" My lil Ddeokie..come in okay hyungie will make your favourite mochi donuts. come" The omega said a small gummy smile hoping the alpha will show the old cute doe eye. He remembered how excited Jin used to get getting a sniff of the mochi donuts an used to steal them from the counter top when the cafe was fucntional. The omega smiled a lil remebering how he pulled jin's ear that the boy ate all the chocolate ones and Jin literally ran all the way for his Hoseok hyung only to  get another smack on his back.

"This place is going down Jung Yoongi forget cooking ur shits. And Kim Seokjin didn't both of ur alphas' killed that man huh? Does your pups know they are the kids of two bloody murderers and scammers" The man called nick said with a smirk. His grey eyes sharp on Yoongi like reading the omega. The gaze made the omega stiffen. Nick's words did cut him like a knife. He couldn't deny his alpha did do wrong to jin but at this point it hurt him.

"Don't tell the pups..please they are innoscent" The omega said more like begged the alpha who stood like those tears did no harm to him. he stood with the same sick smirk.

"innoscent. I bet they are like their fathers' too.." Nick said only to be cut off by a sharp slap on his right cheek from a particular small omega who was raging at this point.

"WHAT TF KIM SEOKJIN WAKE UP ARE YOU POSSESED OR WHAT SNAP  OUT JIMIN HYUNG THE PUPS YOONGI HYUNG WHY ARE U HURTING US. STOP THESE JIN" the omega said in a stern voice only to have the alpha grip his hand in a metal grip eyes flashing anger as he says in a deep low voice

"i will make sure you regret this kim namjoon's mate taehyung..ops or should i say seokjin's voo"

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