falling apart

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it has been a feast since seokjin came home. All of them pampered the blonde like its the 1st time they saw him. In the happiness of the return and complition of the family no one noticed the black haired alpha sneek out of the house like a silent shadow. It was useless to know about the black haired male if u asked them. They had their seokjin back right.

It was almost like nick was just a gush of wild wind that came to destroy and left after the damages were done. But the only thing strange about the entire comotion was lil woozi. That lil beta some how could not wrap his head around the concept of the blonde being his ungle ddeokie. His most loved chingu. The lil boy was rather scared of the blonde alpha and in case they crossed paths the lil boy would wail his lungs out till his papa huged his fragile frame .

No matter how many assurances were given lil woozi did not accept the explanations. To him his chingu was the wild Nick lee and not kim seokjin in front of him. Hence hoseok had to conclude to let woozi be on his own since the boy was persistent and there was nothing to argue on anymore.

The family started getting closer. Kim Namjoon the said man stayed out of the picture for what so ever reason it was. Even it meant a storm after it was ok they had time right. Taehyung and seokjin started from where they left the date. The date they never went on. They relatively newer couple planed the date out despite of all the odds and finished their unsaid wish.

But one morning after a month everything fell apart. The sobs of a particular person was so evident in the Jung mansion. Yoongi had been wailing since the morning when he was unable to find lil woozi in his usual play room. The omega had searched the house down the lil boy was missing. The omega's heart ached thinking about his lil boy alone in the huge world. The boy was too small to be alone there.

"It will be okay omega my people are searching for woozi " Hoseok had assured but it was to no avail. The omega needed his lil woozi as the only reassurance

On the other side

"Chingu chii...chinguuu yaa" rang the voice of a 2 years old roaming thr busy streats of Seoul looking all the way around with curious eyes for his loved chingu shi.

Lil woozi sneeked our at the crack of dawn to find his ddeokie chingu out. No one believes him at home that yellow haired ajussi is not his chingu. That man is scary. The lil one's curious eyes wander everywhere to find his toll big shouldered chingu but none of the men looked familiar. Untill one point lil one realized he was lost. His eyes welled up overwhelmed by the busy road that was so unfamiliar to him. He wanted to go ti papa. The baby was so lost ti notice a racing car coming his way.

By the time he realized the car was too close for his lil feet to move he covered his eyes with chubby hands to allow the impact to hit but it never came. It felt like a spead transition and he was on the other side of the side walks in the arms of a familiar warmth. He didn't need to see the face of the suited man he knew who saved him. The baby snuggled in the suited alpha's arms sniffing

"Chingu chi boozi knew chu will come"

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