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"You  will regret this Kim Namjoon's mate Taehyung..ops or should i say Seokjin's voo" the grey eyed man said with a smirk causing Tae to look at the man with horror. Voo that word..the name seokjin called him. Not even jimin or Yoongi knew about it. the two people who knew that name was Jin himself and Tae. The nick name Taehyung craved to lissten to the most but not from this man..from his seokjin.

"Make me regret nick...and even if its voo...It's only Seokjin's Voo and no one other than that man can all me so" Taehyung said pulling his hand away from the metal grip. If this man who looked like Seokjin eas not his alpha. There is no point in showing him his tears. If this alpha is here for destroying things he will make sure he does what Seokjin would have done best at this time protect.

"If these drama's are done move ahead we need to demolish this place" the grey eyed alpha said his eyes still looked unappologetic like all these meant nothing to him. From the side of his eyes tae could see the two omega hyungs crying. Mostly Yoongi and he totally knows why. Jin has stayed with him and his alpha in that house since they started with nothing. Jin's death the mysterious look alike popping out of the blue has taken a toll on them.

"dd..eeo..kie" came a small voice. The one years old lil beta peeps at the grey eyed alpha from mama's lap. Lil woozi jumps up and down seeing the alpha. The alpha whom he 1st wetted by peeing. His constant partner in crime. The alpha who used to put different flavours in his feeding bottle so the baby could enjoy his pale milk with chokie or strawberry flavour and lil woozi loved it. Yes later when papa got to know the blame was put to ddeokie.

"b..baby...that's not..ddeokie" Yoongi said pettting the back of lil Woozi's head. but the lil kid just gave a pouty stubborn glare and hit his papa's chest something he usually does when he is not satisfied with what someone says. baby missed his uncle ddeokie and now papa is making him angy by saying that this man was not ddeok. How can this uncle look like ddeokie if he is not ddeokie.

"Nuh..pa ...dddeok" the baby pouted looking at the man with grey eyes but then frowned. Since when does his uncle have the greyish eyes. His eyes were black like his papa and dada then why does this man have eyes like the men he saw on tv who spoke that language didn't understand.

But for some reason the man with grey eyes looked taken back almost like this tall man who made the others intimidated was caught by a baby of 1. It was like if given a chance this man could just fall on his knees and cries his eyes out. For a second Taehyung saw the shift of anger vegenance and ferociousness change into sadness, melancholy and solitude. THere was something very mysterious about this alpha to be honest.

"I give you all 1 month to move out after that i wont give a shit and knock this place down" The alpha said. he was about to leave when tae grabbed his hand quickly stopping him midway.

"for this month stay here with us Nick Lee..ops or should i say Jwan"

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