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Kyle's POV:

Too much to be done. Too much to handle. As Tweek would say, "Too much pressure!!".

I can't handle the stress this stupid, fucking school puts on me. They always have something to add on my back. Can't they just assign ONE project a month? Why do I have to do all this work in such a short amount of time?! On top of that.. I have so much homework due.. and I haven't even started it! And now, my father is making excuses to leave every night, and my mom is working 24/7, leaving me to deal with Ike. I'm more of a parent to him than they are. Then mom yells at me for having shit late? Or getting a few questions wrong on an exam I studied day and night for? Then her and father just hug me and say "I love you".. as if that makes me feel any better.

And my sleeping schedule has been fucked up. I'm staying up all night either studying or having breakdowns.. either passing out at 2-4, only to wake up at 6. Then helplessly struggle to stay awake through my classes. Nothing goes right. Nothing good ever happens to me. I'm just some stupid, worthless fag. The only thing that makes me happy is Ike and my friends. Especially Stan. He's the main reason I'm getting through it all. Without them.. I'm nothing. I would have nothing to live for. Why can't everything just fix? Why can't I just sleep at a normal time and be happier? Why can't anything change positively? Why can't-



I'm broken out of my negative thoughts by my alarm on my phone, only meaning that I had stayed up all night. Again.

I sigh deeply and roll off my bed, hitting the cold floor. I stretch and get changed, grabbing my green hat and exiting my room, heading to Ike's. As I open his door, I see him sleeping peacefully, cuddled with one of his plushies.

I smile softly as I walk over and shake him gently.

"Ike..! Wake up, bud. It's time for school."

"Mmmh.. Ok, Kyle.."

"I'll make breakfast for you. come down whenever you're dressed!"


He smiles brightly at me, despite having tired eyes. I give him a quick hug before leaving the room, hopping down the stairs.

*After breakfast is made, Kyle grabs his bag and heads towards the front door.*

"IKE!!" I call from the living room.

"ALRIGHT KYLE, YOU TOO!" I hear him call out from the kitchen.

I take that as my cue that it's alright to leave. I open the door as step out, immediately being hit with the cold, winter breeze. It's actually kind of nice.
I smile a little as I shut the front door, and begin walking to our bus stop.

"KINNYYY! PLEASE!! I FORGOT TO DO IT!" I roll my eyes, knowing exactly who that voice belongs to.

"No, Cartman! That's your fault for being a dumbass and not doing your homework!" I hear Kenny's muffled, yet annoyed answer.

"Guys.. do you have to yell over this? It's only 6:45.." Stan says, facepalming. I smile hearing him. At this point, I'm close enough for them to see me.

"Ky! Hey dude!" Stan says, waving and giving me a warm smile.

"Hey!" I smile happily, waving back.

"Heya fella!" I hear Butters call from beside Kenny, also giving me a big, cheerful smile.

"Hey Butters!" I say, standing beside Stan.

"Oh gosh.. Kyle, how much sleep did you get? You have bags under your eyes.." Butters tilts his head at me, in worry. I glance at Stan and he acknowledged it too I'm guessing, since he's looking at me in a concerned manner.

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