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Stan's POV

Alright. Today, Craig and I are supposed to pay closer attention to our best friends. I still can't believe, of all people, I wouldn't notice if Ky was acting different around me. It almost frustrates me. But.. If Kenny is right, then what am I supposed to do? Ky's been my best friend for.. basically my whole life. If I mess up our whole friendship because of this.. Kenny's so fucking dead. I can't afford to lose him.

But getting on the topic of my super best friend..

I never noticed how cute he was. When I was with Wendy, I never thought of Ky as much as I do now. I think I started paying more attention- or at least having him on my mind maybe during 8th grade? 9th grade? But I never thought I would.. like him romantically. I thought I just wanted to make our bond stronger. But all those times he was on my mind, or how I would ask him to come over every day, looking at him more, or even getting a bit flustered when he would smile brightly at me or laugh his adorable laugh.. And I don't think best friends cuddle while watching movies or hold hands more than your lover. He's always been my number 1. All those times I had ditched him for Wendy.. I never wanted to leave. I was scared of losing the girl I thought was my forever. But after a while, I was tired of it. I stopped ditching Ky for Wendy, and even started ditching her for him. I was WAY more happy with that, since Wendy would usually just take me to her house and then go on her phone to text Bebe, occasionally saying 'I love you'. To be completely honest, she seemed fine with this.

Now that I think about it.. I think I've liked him for a while now. But I kept telling myself that it was just me wanting a stronger friendship. I know now what I want. Question is.. what now? What happens if he likes me back? What happens if he doesn't?

I'd rather focus on the first one.

*Beep.. Beep

Oh right.

I had gotten up MUCH earlier to plan out everything (yes, I had to plan out how to focus on my best friend. Don't judge), also, I wanted to go to Stark's Pond.

I yawn before stretching in my bed, finally getting out of my bed. I get changed, grabbing my phone before I exit my room. I look down at my phone to check the time.


Jesus, I got up super early..

I unlock my phone and go to my messages, pulling up Kyle's.

Ky ❤️ 's DMS


"Hey Ky! You down to go to Stark's Pond rn? I doubt you're awake but I thought I'd still ask lmao"

A minute or 2 passes and he still hasn't replied.

I sigh and right as I put my phone away and head to the front door, I get a notification.

I eagerly open his message.

Ky ❤️

"Oh, hey dude! Yeah.. lemme just get dressed lol"
"Why are you up so early?"


"Could ask you the same ¯\_()_/¯"

Ky ❤️

"Couldn't sleep. Again lmfao"

"And you?"


"Set an alarm to wake up 30 minutes earlier.. accidentally set it to go off at 4AM somehow.. But I stayed in my bed till.. 4:22 probably."

Ky ❤️

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