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Stan's POV:

After we grabbed our stuff from our lockers, Tweek and I head to our first class, parting from Craig and Kyle. I give them a wave before heading off.

Tweek and I walk in a comfortable silence among each other, before I break it.

"So, um.. how's everything with Craig? You guys seem to get closer every day." He glances at me and smiles slightly.

"It's be-been going good- GAH! You and Kyle?" I can tell whenever he's not with Craig, he tends to twitch more.

"That's good. And we've been good.. although.." My words start trailing off and he tilts his head slightly.

"Al-Although? Is something wrong?" He seemed to be worried.

"No, no! It's not Kyle. I've just been thinking.. Wendy and I seem to be less close than Ky and I. I've just been.. kind've.. confused."

He stays silent, letting me know I can continue.

"Like.. I'll be enjoying hanging out with Ky, but when she comes.. it just - almost bothers me in a way. And, I honestly prefer hanging out with Kyle than I do with her. Plus, she seems to have the hots for Bebe, so I just think we should breakup for the last time. I don't think I even like her romantically anymore." I look off to the side a little.

"D-Do you think you'd be.. jealous a li-little if she got with Bebe?" He asks, and I shake my head.

"Nah. To be honest, I'd be more relieved in a way.. I'd much rather just be friends with her than date her. It's just awkward for me whenever she kisses me or holds my hand. I've been thinking of confronting her about it, but I wasn't really sure how. I was gonna talk about it with Ky and try to get advice, but I don't wanna trouble him, I know he's going through something, and, I care about him a ton.. so.." I put my hands in my pockets and sigh softly. "..I don't want to put my problems on him. Get me? Sorry if I'm doing the same to you, though."

He shakes his head and chuckles a little.

"Don't worry a-about it! I know exactly how you feel, with the trouble thing. And, fo-for the Wendy situation.. It's b-better to just, talk to her about it right away, because if she actually likes you and you're overlooking the Bebe thing, that may lead her on and hurt both of you in the end.."

I nod. I never thought Tweek would have a reasonable answer, in the nicest way possible.. Hes always so stressed, I would've expected an answer kind of like GAH!! I dont know man!! that's a lot of pressure!!, but he's actually kind of.. comforting.

"Yeah. You're right. Thanks for the help.. Anyway, getting off that topic, are you sure you're gonna give us free stuff at your café? that's yours and your parents business.. I'd feel a little guilty taking it with nothing for you."

He profusely shakes his head and puts his hands together.

"N-No! Honestly, don't worry about it! We get customers every day.. so don't be worried about it! P-Plus, you guys have been good friends. That's all I really need." We exchange a smile.

"Thanks. You've been a good friend, too."

"I try my best!"

We arrive at our classroom, after what felt like longer than it should have. No complaints here.

"We could sit together in class, if you want. Its a lot better than someone you dont know, hm?" He agrees and we walk into the room, heading over to the back and sitting down, as we wait for class to start.

I never really thought about talking or hanging out with Tweek separately - as in without Craig or Ky. I won't lie, it was a bit awkward at first, but it got better over time. He's actually pretty chill. I knew that, of course, from before. But when we walked to class, I usually would head to the bathroom, just to adjust my hat or stall for time. Maybe I should walk here with him more..

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