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SORRY another brief apology-

I haven't been motivated to write mostly  cause I got covid a few days ago and I've been failing (miserably) at fixing my sleep schedule.

But enough keeping you waiting!

3rd Person


"What is it?  You know you can tell me me anything."

"Yes.. I-I know... Well, I.." He pauses for a few moments, before taking a deep breath.



"I.. I LOVE YOU!!" He half shouted at the black haired boy, who had slowly taken in the words he just heard and gave a very, VERY, shocked expression. Was this real life?

"I've loved you for years now.. I-I was too scared to say anything.. GAH! PLEASE DON'T LET THIS RUIN OUR FRIENDSHIP! PLEASE DO-DON'T HATE ME!" Tweek yelled in fear, before turning and running off.

"H-Hey! Tweekers, wait!" But it was too late. he watched as the blondie ran away from him, watching his figure get smaller and smaller before it was out of his vision.

Craig didn't know what to say. He was filled with many emotions, which is unlike him. Emotions like happiness, surprise.. maybe he was worried too, seeing as his best friend just bolted away before he could reply. Craig waited to hear those words for too long, and he was NOT about to wussy out and wait for Tweek to go back to him.

Craig, with a look of determination, set off in the direction of everyone's homes, considering that's where his beloved spaz ran to.

Craig's POV

He's probably at his house..

I sped-walked towards the houses, praying that I was right about Tweek going home.



After what felt like years (because of how impatient I am), I finally arrived at Tweek's. I knocked on the door, being greeted by his father.

"Oh.. Hey Craig.." He looked a bit disappointed, or perhaps worried?

"Hi, sir. Is Tweek here?" I crossed my fingers as I waited for a reply. He smiled softly at me.

"Yes.. He is. He came running in, almost on the verge of tears. When I asked why, and if he needed a coffee, he didn't reply. He just ran to his room. He's still in there.. Can you see what's wrong? And if you can cheer him up? You're his closest friend, after all.".

I nodded and headed up stairs, arriving at his bedroom door before slowly opening it.


He shot his head back and looked me in the eyes. He was curled on his bed, and his eyes were filled with tears. I think he thought I was going to reject him, because I didn't say anything. I wave of guilt passed onto me.

"W-Why are you here? GAH! A-Are you gonna beat m-me up?! OH GOD PLEASE DON'T BEAT ME UP! I-I'M SORRY!! I-" I cut him off by embracing him in a hug.

"Did.. Did you mean what you said earlier? Like.. You aren't fucking with me right now, right?" Tweek stopped and looked at me, noticing that I had a blush on my face, which caused Tweek to go red in the face too.

"U-Uh.. ARGH! Yes.. I did.." He looks to the side, a bit embarrassed.

Suddenly, that's when it happens.

I pulls Tweek into a kiss. It was only a few seconds, but to me, it felt like forever. I pulled back and saw Tweek staring at me, with a deep blush. I chuckled a bit before speaking to the shocked spaz.

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