Chapter 14.

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Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't been updating just recently I have had a lot of stuff going on and its killing me. I also got my eye bitten by a dog but its not that bad just its hard to see.... Ugh idk why I'm telling you this but whatever.

I have been feeling very confident about this book because so far it is way better than my old book about Ashton from 5SOS and just high. Thanks guys :) well here yah go chapter 14!



I noticed that my sister had taken my baby brother out again, so it was just me, Shawn, my mom, my dad (I don't even know if I should call him that to be honest) and this man that claims he's my real father.

"Mom I don't appreciate having to figure it out on my own. Who is my real father?!" I'm angry. Beyond angry! You can probably tell.

My mom was silent. Her mouth opened and closed practically speechless.

"I asked you a question." That sick feeling came again. Why does this man give me this weird feeling. After she stayed silent for a few minutes I spoke up again. "Were you lying to me?" I whispered tears beginning to come again.

Shawn wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed my temple as my dad (still don't know what to call him) placed his hand on my mom's. He nodded and so did she.

"He his." She pointed to the man that I had recently met not that long ago. So I have been lied to.

"So you have been lying to me my entire life? Wow." I stood up and she did too to speak.

"I was protecting you!" She yelled. "That man...," she once again pointed at the man. "Was mean." She whispered those last few words. "He was abusive to me when I had your sister. And he's your father. He left before you were born." After that I softened up. My mom and sister were abused. "He was gone and then I met him," she pointed to the man that has been with me for thirteen years. I'm 16 just to clarify.

"Then you grew up and I had your brother. And now your real father is back and I was able to keep him away for so long and-" my real dad cut her off.

"I have changed. I now have a wife and two kids. Both girls. They have been everything to me. When I met my wife I knew I had to get better and that's exactly what I did." I gulped and I was sitting back down and Shawn's hand had weaved into mine. I almost forgot he was here. "I came back to apologize. To your mom and you and my other little girl." He spoke slowly and he was tearing up, I could tell. So I did the other thing I could think of.

"I didn't know much about what happened. At all," I backed up to look at my mom and my stepdad I guess. I shrugged. "All my life has been filled with lies. You lied to me mom. My real dad could of had some custody over me and I could be happy and this wouldn't be happening. But I was lied to." I looked at my mom and stepdad and just gave them a disappointed look. I shook my head and walked up to my room, completely forgetting Shawn was still here.

"Johana, babe you in there?" I heard his voice from the other side of the door along with a little knock.

"Come in," Shawn soon walked in and he gave me a light smile. I just looked away. I felt the bed dip down beside me and Shawn's arm laid down across my waist. He pulled me closer to him and I turned around so my head rested on his chest.

"It's okay. Everything's going to be okay." He played with my ponytail and kissed the top of my head.

"Shawn why do you stay with me? I'm just an embarrassment I mean... I'm dating the guy I have liked since like 2012. And just I'm awkward and worried you won't like me."


I was a bit surprised when she said that.

'I'm dating the guy I have liked since 2012.'

"Are you a fan of me?" I looked down at her.

"See I told you. Its embarrassing." I smiled.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought you would have figured it out sooner or later and leave me because I have just been one of those normal teenage girls. Who listens to their idols music and just fangirl about them." I listened as she rambled on. She looked away to wipe a tear. I put my finger under her chin and made her look at me.

"You shouldn't be scared to tell me something like that. It's okay." I leaned in and kissed her gently. I soon pulled away and smiled at her and she gave me a small smile back.

"Why are you still here after I told you that?" She asked.

"Didn't I tell you? I guess I need to remind you. I really like you. That's why I had asked you to be my girlfriend." She smiled and kissed my cheek. She sighed and laid back down into our cuddling position. I slid my shoes off and got under the covers with her. I turned on the TV and we watched some old episodes of Pretty Little Liars. When I heard Johana's breathing slow down, I looked and saw that she was asleep. I smiled and shut my eyes falling asleep myself.


Okay guy this has got to be the longest chapter I have ever written. I have over 1000 words WOOHOO! Hahaha!

Bai guys I'm going to update tomorrow okay? Okay. Yeah I just did that.

~Jamie xx

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