Chapter 44.

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*Johana's P.O.V.*

The girls and I had changed and blasted more music.

'This Is Not an Apology' by Bea Miller came on and we screamed the lyrics and danced around.

Soon some of the boys came in while it was playing and I grabbed one of their hands and danced with them. Turned out to be Cameron and I just laughed as Shawn came over.

The song soon stopped and 'Good For You' by Selena Gomez came on and I slowly walked up to Shawn giggling. The chorus came on and he grabbed my hand and spun me around. Then he pulled me close and I bit my lip lightly.

"You're so cute," he laughed and I walked back up to the girls and us three danced with all the guys.

5 Seconds of Summer 'Never Be' quietly played as we all just sat and talked.

"Can we play truth or dare?" Jack J asked and I laughed.

"I'm in," I smiled and looked at the others and they all nodded. We were a bit bored anyways.

"I'll go first," Madison announced and looked around. The looked at Cameron and smirked.

"Cameron, truth or dare?"

"Dare," he smirked right back and I noticed how Jack's eyes narrowed.

"I dare you to streak," she laughed. Everyone looked at her like she was crazy.

"I can't do that! It will ruin me!"

"Cmon don't be a wimp," Matt pouted at him and laughed.

Madison whispered in Jack G's ear and in Nash's ear they nodded and started chanting 'streak'.

So that's how Truth or Dare started. Now it was Jack's turn to ask someone. He glanced at me and laughed.

"Johana," I facepalmed and I heard Jack snicker. "Truth or dare?"

"You know I don't care if y'all call me a wimp because the way he looked at me I am honestly scared to say dare," I pointed at them. Cameron put his hands under his arm pits and started moving his arms up and down. He began making chicken noises. "You know what, fine. Dare."

"I dare you to get a little freaky in the bed with...." I know for a fact that he's not going to say Shawn. I glared at him ad he continued. "Matt,"

"I have a boyfriend!" I shouted as Matt said that he had a girlfriend. Shawn and Jamie began yelling at him too.

"Would you calm the fuck down!" He shouted. "I was kidding! Chill!" I rolled my eyes not even feeling like playing anymore.

"Do a strip tease for Shawn," I grabbed Shawn's hand as Jack said that. I stood up and walked into Shawn's room and sat him on the bed.

"You don't have to do this, Johana." He whispered. I nodded and sat down on his lap. I rested my head on his shoulder and just sat there. The door was closed and we had Ride by Somo playing just so they think that its happening.

When the song was over we walked back into the room and they all wolf whistled and I just sat down and rolled my eyes.

"Matt Truth or Dare," I said tiredly.

"Dare," he pursed his lips waiting for it.

"I dare you to go pay for dinner cause I'm starving and want to go to McDonalds," I laughed and the others agreed.

"I have to pay for all you assholes?!" He grained and we all just stood up. The girls and I were still in our sweats but we didn't care.

"Oh! And you boys have to go in onizes," they groaned but Johnson spoke up.

"We don't have any," he smirked. The girls and I looked at each other before I counted down.

"SHOPPING!!!" We shouted and us three ran down stairs. We laughed and got in the car. I got in the front seat and Shawn got in the drivers seat. Madison sat on Jack's lap as Jamie sat on Matt's. Cameron and Nash sat on the floor while Johnson took a seat next to Matt.

Then we were off to target.

We were now walking into McDonalds and the boys groaned. Some were walking weird due to it being just a little bit small. We all told Matt and Johnson what we wanted as they went up and ordered.

The rest of us sat down and I rested my head on the table clutching my stomach. I don't know if its the fact that I'm hungry or just not feeling good at all. Smelling the food made me want to throw up.

I felt someone rubbing soothing circles and I just sighed.

"You okay, Johana?" I heard Cameron ask. I looked up and nodded slowly and quickly shook my head and ran in the bathroom. I opened a stall door and threw up. I felt someone pulling my hair away from me and held it.

I have no clue why I am throwing up. Maybe I ate something that's not agreeing with me. When I was finished I found out that the girls came in after me.

Madison took toilet paper and wiped my mouth.

"You okay?" I nodded. I didn't feel as bad as I did earlier, there's just a bad taste in my mouth now. Jamie quickly ran out and got a cup of water.

I rinsed my mouth out and Madison was going to give me gum when we got back. We walked out of the bathroom and I sat down next to Shawn. Madison gave me a piece of gum and everyone looked at me with sympathy.

"Are you feeling okay?" Shawn leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"Now that I emptied my stomach yes. I might have eaten something that didn't agree with me or something I don't know," he nodded and I leaned into Shawn and rested my head on the table.

Everyone was in their own conversations but Shawn was whispering in my ear every now and then and kept rubbing my back.

"Johana do you still want your food? Cause I mean I did pay for it and I'm not going to give it back," I heard Matt laugh.

"I'll still have it and maybe later I will feel better and eat it." I kept my head down and I heard him reply with an 'okay'.

We soon left and everyone was in the spots they were in before. I giggled looking at them noticing how they actually went through with it. Cameron shot me a smile and I shook my head looking back at the road.

When we got back to the house I was really tired but it was only 9 pm. So I laid down in Shawn's bed and curled up under the covers. But for some reason I still felt cold. I tossed and turned but soon Shawn came in and chuckled. He took off the onzie and put some sweatpants on.

"Do you want one of my sweatshirts?" He asked and I nodded sitting up. He grabbed a black one from his closet and handed it to me. I smiled lightly and slid it over my head. I laud back down and Shawn pulled me into him. I rested my head on his bare chest and wrapped and arm around his waist.

Our legs intertwined and I felt warmer instantly. I soon fell asleep to the sound of Shawn's beating heart. The thing is, it was beating a little faster than normal.


I'm losing small ideas. I'm trying not to make it too cliche and I'm trying not to have them act all couply around the guys so much haha

More tomorrow! IM WRITING A MATT ESPINOSA FANFICTION! Its called He's My Bad Boy! I don't have too many parts ad I started it yesterday. But anyways....

Thanks guys!
~Jamie xxxx

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