Chapter 1

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Catalina pov

Summer holidays have just finished and we're back in college, my dorm mate decided to transfer schools so I should be getting a new dorm mate. I have been a whole summer at the beach house with my friends so I barley had any time to clean before the new dorm mate comes.

I've been cleaning for what feels like ours and decide to take a shower since the dorm mate still hasn't arrived, which I'm praying for them to be a nice person. Our dorm is spacious we have a small bathroom that has a shower and all that, we have a small kitchen and a bedroom with two beds in there. After I took my shower I decided to get changed into grey sweatpants, a white long sleeve crop top and air force ones.

It's past 2 in the afternoon and while I'm cooking some lunch my door opens which I'm assuming is my dorm mate. A girl that looks much taller thank me looking around 5'6 near whereas I am 5'0, she has chestnut brown eyes and hazel eyes. I walk away to the kitchen to greet her and see that she isn't alone, I'm assuming it's family with her telling her goodbye.

"Hi you must be my dorm mate, I'm Catalina nice to meet you." I reach my hand out and shake her hand, after I shake her hand I take a box from who I'm assuming is her mother. "Hi I'm kelsey, these are my parents Sarah and Zack." I greet them also and show them around our small dorm. "I had managed to get one of the biggest dorms since my parents are alumni's and still give a generous help to the school."

After I show them around the dorm I go back to doing my pizza and do an extra one for Kelsey to give her some time to say goodbye to her parents, she seems like a quiet person someone who doesn't do a lot of damage. I can't wait till she meets my friends they will turn her into one of us, I think we will get along. After what feels like ten minutes of Kelsey saying her good byes to her parents she came near me to see what I'm cooking.

"I made pizza hope you're hungry cause I made you one also." She smiles and thanks me. "So Catalina you're not from here are you. Because you're accent sounds Spanish, I don't mean to be asking personal questions so if I'm in anyway offending you just tell please." I smile at how caring she seems.

"I'm Spanish my best friend Mia and I moved here with our family's for them to start a business together since they are best friends, we were 11 years old and started middle school thats when we met our other friends, My birthday is on the 8th of December and I'm an extrovert bit in a bad way I think. My friends and I all attend USC together but the boys live in an apartment ten minutes off campus and the girls live in different dorms. I'm going over there after I unpack some clothes and re-dye my hair if you want to come with." I smile at her and continue eating my pizza.

She smiles back "Are you sure they won't mind I would want to intrude and if you want I could help you dye you're hair." I shake my head. "We love making new friends so don't worry, and thanks I would need the help. Tell me about yourself."

"I'm from New York went to NYU I have 2 siblings both guys and older than me i jave a per dog name Lilo, I'm an introvert and I think that all I have about me. Can I ask you a question?" I smile and nod taking a bite from my pizza. "Did your tattoo hurt?" I look down at my tattoo and I'm reminded with the reason I got it.

"Yes like a bitch, I got it with Jace you will meet hime later on, we have the same tattoos. This rose and..." I lift my top a bit just to show her my other tattoo thats on my ribcage "This tattoo Koby it's Jace's and mine dogs name he has the sane tattoo but his shows, they both hurt because I forgot that I'm doing them on bones but other than that it wasn't bad, I want to get more but I can't find anything that has a meaning for me. Do you have any tattoos?" I ask

"Oh no I'm scared of needles so I don't think I will ever get one, not even piercings I only have the first ones that my parents gave me when I was a baby."
I laugh at that we are so opposite. "Wish that I could be like you because I can't stop getting piercings that they are the only reason I'm almost all the time broke, the last piercings I got were my belly and nose   I have my ears full of them but it's how I like to express my self." I shrug my shoulders and get up to start cleaning my plate.

After unpacking and dying my hair so that the red at the top show better, Kelsey and I decided to go get Starbucks for everyone before going to their apartment, we head to my car and start driving. I got Jace and I both venti Vanilla iced coffee and strawberry acai because I don't know what we want and then for the rest I got them their usual. "What do you want Kelsey?" I ask she looks like she feels bad that I'm ordering this much drinks. "A venti java chip frappe with coffee and no whip." As we pull up to the window Kelsey tries to give them her card but I take it away from her.

"Kelsey I told you to come so you're not going to pay for drinks that I offered you." I hand her the card and smile at her. "I just feel bad that you have to pay for everyones drink." I love how caring she is and we only met 2 hours ago. "Don't worry they are paying for dinner so don't feel bad it's how it works with my friends and I, whoever is going to Starbucks before going over gets drinks and they won't pay for dinner that day." I shrug and get the drinks. After saying thank you I start driving to the apartment complex, once we arrive we head to the building drinks in hand, the receptionist has become familiar with me since I have been coming here nearly everyday for three years.

We head upstairs to the top floor and I take out my keys to open the door, as I open the door there is shouting and running heading my way.

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