Chapter 2

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Catalina pov
We head upstairs to the top floor and I take out my keys to open the door, as I open the door there is shouting and running heading my way.

"Catalinaaa." Lorenzo one of my best friend's starts shouting and running my way engulfing me into a hug. "I missed you babe haven't seen you since this morning, you didn't text me nothing I thought you died." I roll my eyes at his childishness.

"I'm not dead clearly but I got my new dorm mate her name is Kelsey..." I turn to Kelsey and she says hi "and we got Starbucks, where's everyone?" I take of my shoes so that I'm left in my mismatched socks and take the drinks from Kelsey. "Kelsey this is Lorenzo, he's flirty at times but doesn't mean any harm." I kiss Lorenzo on the cheek.

"Their in the kitchen deciding what to eat, Kelsey babe what do you want for dinner tonight." She just shrugs her shoulders. I start walking toward the kitchen, the apartment is more of a penthouse it has a pool and two floors plus a ground floor. "I GOT STARBUCKS." I start yelling when I am close to the kitchen. "Kelsey these are my friends, you already know Lorenzo the boy with light brown hair is Nico, the boy next to him is Mattheo he's with Thea the one with curly blonde hair. The one next to her is Mia she has a temper but is nice to most people. The one next to her is Ryan he's the best. And lastly the one glaring at Ryan is Jace. Guys this is Kelsey my new dorm mate be nice please."

I walk toward Jace and look up at him, he's 6,3 so he's taller than me by a lot. I wrap my arm around his waist and with my other hand I pull him down from the collar of his t-shirt. "Hey" I peck his lips and let go of the collar of his t-shirt. "So what are we eating, I feel like ordering Chinese." I tell the group and start handing them their Starbucks, I turn looking at Jace "I didn't know what we want mainly what I want so I got us both a Vanilla iced coffee and a pink acai I'm going to take a coffee right now and while eat Chinese I take the other drink." I tell him looking into his green eyes.

"I will take the coffee also. And who told you that I want Chinese maybe I want burgers." I roll my eyes and slap him in the stomach not to hard that he gets really hurt but just enough so that he can feel a bit of pain. He grunts and I smile. "I said you're taking Chinese because that is what I want if you have a problem with it I don't care." I smile and hand him his drink. "Yes m'am." He salutes me and kisses my cheek.

"So guys who wants Chinese?" Kelsey, Nico and Ryan raised their hands. "Jace will order the food I'm going to see my baby. Where is Koby?" Jace looks at me with a look like 'oh shit' "Where is Koby Jace?" I say in a serious tone, our friends left the room because they know that when we argue that they shouldn't be near. "I left him in my room but he has everything there." I step away from him. "Except us you moron." I head up stairs and get to Jace's room.

As I open the door I see Koby shaking his tail and nearly flying with how happy he is that he is getting out of the room. I walk down stairs with Koby in my arms. "Daddy left you in his room didn't he baby." I kiss his head and glare at Jace. Jace tries to pet Koby but I move him before he gets the chance to. "You left him alone so you don't get to touch him." Jace rolls his eyes and wraps his arms around me. "I'm sorry Koby that I left you in my room alone, if it makes mummy happy I ordered the food and it should be here soon." I smile at that but don't look at him.

No ones pov

"Kelsey just if you're wondering they're alway like this, they fight and make up the same second, sometimes it gets bad, that once she thrown a book to his head because he slept with someone. Because according to them they aren't together but they do this couple shit. And you would be amazed once I tell you about the rules." Lorenzo tells Kelsey.

Mia decides to jump in the conversation. "It's crazy. Rule number 1. Don't sleep with other people while they are sleeping together, which is understandable, number 2 don't bring up something from the past mostly from Catalina's past, that counts for everyone. Rule number 3 don't say the words I love you unless you are ready to be in a long term relationship with each other, which we all find stupid when they literally are in some type of relationship they even met each others family.

Mattheo wants to say the last rule. "And lastly stay friends or how they like to say 'care for each other' even when on bad terms, that happens once every two weeks and the longest they have gone without talking to each other is 2 months when Jace mentioned Catalinas past in a fight."

"That's crazy doing a set of rules just to keep a relationship in place. Do they love each other? Because the way they look at each other seems like they do love each other and it's not just a causal relationship." Kelsey says

Catalina pov
As Jace, Koby and I are going in the theater room where we assume they are our friends are, as we walk in I hear Mattheo telling them something about us which I knew straight away that they are talking about the rules. I for one am not that fond of other people knowing, I look wt Jace and he shakes his head as if telling me to wait a second.

"That's crazy doing a set of rules just to keep a relationship in place. Do they love each other? Because the way they look at each other seems like love." Kelsey

As I hear someone about to answer I enter. "No we don't because that would mean we want a long term relationship which I for sure know that would be to much for us." I sit down and Jace sits next to me, I feel guilt raise in my chest when I see Jace frown. "And may I know why you're telling her the rules when the only person I told was Mia." Mia looks guilty.

"She told us and we thought she should know since she is going to spend time with us." Lorenzo says. Jace and I both roll our eyes and lean back on the couch, I lean more into him and put Koby on us.

"So if you say that you don't love each other why did you get matching tattoos the same week you started this thing between you." Ryan asks, I look at Jace then at our friends and shrug. "I don't know but I don't regret it, and it's not that big of a deal look at Jace's arm..." I get his arm and roll up his sleeve as much as possible. "It's full of tattoos, it doesn't mean anything." I lower his arm and put the sleeve back down.

After what feels like forever the food arrives and Jace and Nico go down for the food. The others and I decided to choose the film we will be watching, we chose white chicks we've watched it at least a million times but it is one of our all time favorites. Once the food came we ate it all in less than 30 minutes, I went to do popcorn for us and got Jace and I our strawberry acai because we forgot to drink it before.

I slept halfway through the film and the last thing I remembered was being wrapped up in blankets cuddling Jace.

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