Chapter 4

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Catalina pov

"Kelsey you've got to wear the outfit I have for you, we're all going to be wearing one of my black skirts. I've got a million of them, so please I'm begging you wear my clothes." After what feels like forever of me and Mia trying to convince Kelsey to match with us she finally agrees. Mia is going our hair since she loves doing hair, I'm doing the makeup so that everyone looks amazing and Kelsey is choosing which perfume we are wearing.

"Remind me to take the perfume and clothes with me for Thea. You're going to wear bags right?" I ask because my outfit looks bad without a bag, but it's not like I'm going to wear it the entire night. "Yeah I'm going to puck out a black one from yours. Do you want a bag Kelsey?" Mia asks her. "Yeah but I don't have and black ones." Mia and I both look at each other with 'is she serious' look before laughing. "Babe when someone wear's my clothes, even the accessories have to be mine. I work in Jace's moms boutique so I get a lot of free clothes when she gets stuff That I will like. So when ever you need anything and even when I'm not here just take the stuff and when you're done from them get them back, thats how Mia and I have been doing things since we were baby's." I smile at Kelsey and Mia and continue doing my makeup.

"You do know that those clothes are never coming back here right." Mia ask and I just nod my head. "Why is that?" Kelsey asks, not know why Mia said that. "Whenever I wear anything even bags and take them over to Jace and I sleep over, which is what we are doing tonight don't worry Ryan wants you in his bed in both ways. Continuing Jace always takes them to his closet and puts them there, I would want to take them back since I would be wearing something else majority of the time it his clothes so I leave them there and whenever we are going out and I'm at his place I would have clothes ready." I smile at the memory of when Jace first made space in his closet for me, which now became mostly mine and only a bit his.

Kelsey smiles before saying. "That's real cute." Mia hold up the curler. "Wait till you see her closet it's worse than his, he rarely stays over but since Lina always ends up here in his clothes, his clothes always end up here. Go take a look in the closet on the right hand side." Mia knows everything about me and Jace, she's my best friend even though I'm close to Thea, which is mainly because she was with Mattheo and we were sort of friends in middle school. Mia and I have know each other since birth, she was a few months old and in the waiting room with her parents when I was born. Mia know about my past which is my she is the one most of the time to stop the others from talking about it, my past isn't bad actually it's just not one that I would have wanted as a kid.

When kelsey comes back from the closet she has a pair necklace in her hand and before she could even ask I nod my head yes. "The only clothing item that you will see here and at Jace's is the basketball short that I wore this morning. They used to be Jace's when he was a sophomore in high school, but his mum has done lace's on me since they fit me big until she finds his freshman shorts." I shrug and start dressing up.

"So you're parents know the whole thing between you two?" Kelsey asks, Mia is about to stop her from asking but I shake my head knowing that she has no idea of my relationship with my parents. "Well Jace's family doesn't really mind, we've known each since middle school and we both grew up at his house. So once we told them about what was happening between us they didn't really mind, in fact I think they wear happy. Jace's mom for sure was happy that I had a type of relationship with her son, and she knew what the relationship was. But my parents on the other hand didn't like the fact that I was sleeping with him when we're not married. Spanish families are religious and even when we told them it was casual, the second the saw the tattoo of the rose they cut me off and just pay for school and the dorm." I get in font of my mirror and do my finishing touches, Kelsey didn't mention my parents again noticing the way I left thing with them.

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