Chapter 3

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Catalina pov

I wake up with a heavy feeling on my chest, as my eyes start to flutter open I see Jace on me smiling at me. "Good morning baby. How did you sleep?" He tries to kiss me but I move my face away since I don't like kissing him with morning breath.

"I slept good until I felt a big ass whale on my chest that had to wake me up from an amazing dream I was having." I roll my eyes at him and try to push him off of me, emphasize on the word try. "Was it about me." He smirks and starts to raise his eyebrows.

"Yeah right keep on wishing pretty boy, I was wishing about your best friends Nico best dream I ever had." I shrug. Jace gets off of me in a rush and starts heading towards the door, I walk behind him to see what would happen. We end up in front of  Nico's bedroom door, Jace knock on the door so hard that it could have broken down, he doesn't even wait for a coming he just slams the door open.

"Nico why the fuck are you showing up in my girls dream for. I swear to god I'd kill you if you do it again." Nico sits up in a panic looking scared of what might happen and I don't miss that Mia is in his bed with his shirt on. "Jace I swear I had nothing to do with it. Please believe me. Lina tell him it wasn't my fault." I just burst out laughing. "My god didn't take you as the jealousy type." I try to control my breathing. "Nico had nothing to do with it, now come on so that MIA..." I shout her name and she shoot me a thumbs up. "Would get out and tell us why the fuck she is in Nico's clothes."

I pull Jace out of the room as he glares at Nico. "You are crazy telling me this shit, why didn't you just say that it wasn't true." Jace asks. "I wanted to see what will happen you can't blame me. And don't think I missed how you called me you're girl." I take a step closer to him. "Didn't take you as the possessive type but I'm not complaining." I walk towards his room and change into a pair of Jace sophomore year of basketball ball shorts and a black short sleeve crop top. The shorts fit me a bit big but thanks to the lace that Jace's mom done on them for me till she finds his freshman short, they are the closest thing I got to free basketball ball short.

I brush my teeth, re-straighten my hair and do my make-up so that I'm ready for the day. As I head out of the bathroom that is in Jace's room I see that Jace made the bed and changed into grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt. He's laying down on the bed waiting for me, so I walk over to him and go on him straddling him. "You can now have you're kiss." I give him one of my best kisses that I have stored for him.

"So what do we have planned for today?" I get off him to get Koby from his bed, once I get Koby I go back to straddling Jace. "So I was thinking I cook you some breakfast and after that we stay here the whole day, for lunch we go out to the cafe you like and take Koby with us, and tonight the boys and I are organizing a party so I need to organize. You're coming over right?" I love when he plans out everything.

""Yes I'm staying over tonight also, and I'm bringing Kelsey. Wait where is Kelsey?" I ask worried that she might have walked back to the dorm alone at night. "Don't start panicking, she slept here in Ryan's room. Oh and my mum called me while you were getting ready, she told ne to tell you to call her about the boutique." I nod. "Okay I'll call her know and you will start on breakfast."

I get off him and look for my phone, once I find my phone I call Violet (Jace's mum) and she tells me that from next week I can start working there again since summer is over. It's something we worked out together, I love fashion and Violet love fashion so she opened boutiques around America. I convinced her to open one here close to campus so that I could work there and she did, so when summer is over I take over the boutique.

After my call with Violet I head downstairs with Koby in hand and head to the kitchen, were I spot Nico, Mia and Jace. I sit down at the island on the barstool next to Mia while Nico and Jace are cooking breakfast. "So you and Nico never saw that one coming, you always fight each other. Since when did it start?"

Mia start blushing. "Well it started two days ago when we were at the beach house and everyone was off fucking, Nico and I got bored and well fucked but it's more than fucking we are going to see where it goes." She smiles a genuine smile which makes me happy for them.

"Was it good?" I ask curiously because Nico and Mia aren't the type to settle with one person. "Excuse me why would you want to know if Nico was good when you have me to make you feel good." Jace asks with a smirk on his face. "Oh yeah best I've ever had." Mia says. I flip Jace of and continue talking to Mia till breakfast if ready.

After breakfast I went to Ryans room to wake Kelsey and him up but as I open the door I find them both cuddled up and asleep, so I go back to Jace's room. "You're room is a mess you should clean it up." I giggle a bit knowing that the mess in the room is all my stuff thrown around. I don't even see Jace running towards me and tackling me. "You missy are the reason my room is in a mess." He starts tickling me.

"Stop I can't breathe." I try to say in between laughs. "Say you'll clean you're mess and I'll stop." He tickles me even harder and I can't breathe. "NEVER" I squeal. As Jace is about to lean down to kiss me the door burst open. "I heard shouting, what happened?" Lorenzo looks panicked, as I'm about to say something a shoe flys towards him. "Ouch, what was that for." He takes a look at us and covers his eyes. "Ohh I get it, you were about to fuck. Don't mind me but please remember it's disgusting what you two do" I laugh and push Jace off me that he falls on the floor.

"Good morning Enzo babe..." I give him a tight hug and kiss his cheek. "And Enzo babe please don't every say disturbing think like that, I will never fuck Jace have you seen him." Enzo and I both laugh, Jace is left stunned but not for long. "That right because I fuck you." He smirk and my jaw drops open. "Ew disgusting." Enzo says and I agree with him.

Jace pulls me towards him and wraps his arms around me. "Now is there a reason for you still to be here?" Jace asks in an arrogant tone, I slap his stomach. Don't be rude to our friend." He just rolls his eyes and me. "Yes there is a reason, Kelsey and Ryan are awake." As Enzo says that we all head down stairs, once I spot Kelsey I run up to her hugging her. "I'm so sorry I left you here, I just fell asleep and my old roommate never hanged out with us, so I forgot that I had to drive us back. Please forgive me. We you are going to because you didn't seem disappointed while sleeping, all wrapped up with Ryan." I wiggle my brows at her and she blushes.

"You're forgiven if you don't bring it up again, and besides he's not bad looking." She shrugs and continues eating. I head to the living room where my friends are except Ryan and Kelsey since they are still eating breakfast, I sit down on Jace and start playing with his hair. "So what are you're plans for today. Jace and I are going out for lunch and staying here for the rest of the day, until it is time for the party which is when I go to get changed at my dorm with Kelsey."

"Mattheo and I are going to my parents for the rest of my stuff and then I'll come here to get ready for the party." Thea says. "Well I am going to my dorm to dye my hair and than I will go to Lina's dorm to get ready since she has the best outfits." She grins at me. "Yeah well the only way you take my outfits is if you promise not to sleep with Nico in them." I laugh the last part out. Everyone shout "OMG" in sync and starts to ask a bunch of questions since they didn't know about it.

After talking with my friends and going out for lunch, Jace and I watched a film before it was time for me to head back to my dorm with Kelsey to get ready for the party.

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