Author's Note

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It's been a while since I last opened Wattpad, and looking back at this admittedly cringey and plot-holey work, I feel a sense of cringe (obviously) and pride that my first fanfiction still has a good few readers.
Thank you for staying with me here, for reading UnRiddled-

And if you were wondering why the title was erased, it's a long story that involves my old username being found out by a friend (and I didn't want him finding out I wrote weird slash)

I'm on many more places now, and can happily say I've been training my craft, so to speak, all these years, and you can find me on Archive of Our Own, as BvinYa_Raama which is where I'm posting almost all my fanfic works, and fanart on Tumblr, as Dragonaire Absolvare. Or on Webtoon as a comic artist for Novas Veniat. I've sort of switched over completely to fanfic over the years, and am sorry to say, I won't be importing to wattpad. (AO3 is definitely more popular among the fandom circles)

Don't worry, nothing here will be erased, of course! It's just a matter of me having switched platforms.

So if you'd like to read my newer works- mostly Harry Potter fanfic, although there are several other fandom works tossed in between (and there's been a steady stream of new works since 2016) feel free to check out my Archive of Our Own pseud, or join my ship server on discord, which I've linked with my profile there.

Thanks for reading, and thanks again for all the love you've shown me!

(Harry Potter Fanfiction) But Title Erased For Security ReasonsWhere stories live. Discover now