Chapter Six

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Vine Cottage, Little Hangleton

Dear Professor Riddle

As I promised, here's my first letter.

Thank you so much for the owl. She's beautiful, and I've decided to name her 'Hedwig'. It's a name I found in 'The History of Magic'.

I hope you're doing well.

The Dursleys haven't done much, yet. They've taken to ignoring my existence for now, which is a good thing. I'm still doing chores, but it's not half as bad when I don't get yelled at. I have a bedroom now, and Hedwig is allowed inside the house. Ron, Draco and Hermione had promised to write, but I guess they've forgotten. It must be exciting to spend vacation with family.

Yesterday, the Dursleys went out leaving me at Mrs Figg's place. She's a crazy cat-lady, but she's nice, sort of, and let me have some chocolate cake. Dudley doesn't beat me anymore, because he thinks that I'll turn him into a pig. It feels great to not be scared of him and his gang of little thugs anymore.

Harry Potter

Riddle folded the letter with a smile and eyed the frowning Abraxas.

"Tom, please tell me that is not Dumbledore's Chosen One. It's dangerous to be around him, so why haven't you killed him yet?"

"Potter might be better than Longbottom in terms of academic achievement, but both might be equally as threatening in the future." Riddle gazed out through the window.

"That doesn't answer why you haven't killed him yet."

"Since when do I have to answer to you, Malfoy?" Riddle dropped his voice threateningly. The blonde kept quiet after that. Riddle convinced himself that he was just toying with Potter, that he'd have no qualms about finishing the boy off when the time came...

"How long has it been, since you last killed someone, Tom?" It was Dolohov.

Riddle looked at the black Peverell ring on his middle finger. Since then, he hadn't killed. After he had become a teacher, he let others do the work for him. He wondered if he still had it in him to end a life again.

Ever since he realised what he had seen in the Mirror of Erised, he did not want to move forward. Letting things stay the way they were felt easier to do. But sometimes, the easy way was not always the way fate proceeds. Riddle's mind was in confusion, and he needed to make it clear. He was Lord Voldemort, the Dark Lord who would reign over the world and enslave Muggles. Riddle proceeded to think about his next move.

"Abraxas, I want Fudge out."

"I see. Whom do you want instead?"

Riddle smiled wickedly.

* * *

Malfoy Manor, Somewhere in Wiltshire

The Wizarding World was in chaos. Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge, had been assassinated in his office. The killer, an ordinary Ministry employee, was discovered to have been put under the Imperius curse. The Order of Phoenix assembled, because this meant one thing: the stalemate had been broken.

To complicate things further, the temporary office was generously offered to Lucius Malfoy.

Draco was terrified, Death Eaters were flowing in and out of the Malfoy Manor. His grandfather told him it was dangerous and made him stay inside almost every day. He had Harry's address with him, and out of desperation, he broke his promise to himself and began writing.

Dear Harry

How are you? Are those Muggles treating you well?

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