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You're supposed to keep the food out you're supposed to keep the food out you're not supposed to eat it my mother would always say every ghost festival.    But I ended up eating the very sweet smelling food anyway that was supposed to be attracting the ghosts during the ghost festival I walked out of the house During the ghost festival........ Something that is not to be done because you end up being dragged into a hell realm And tortured for eternity but I didn't care I wanted that food so bad I as a kid.   And every year my mother would say that I was very lucky that I made it back into the house without a spirit possessing me or latching on to me.
What's this year was something girlfriend I was going to go and eat the food as usual but my mother locked the door on me thinking that I was a mangy dog. Big mistake I ended up being dragged by the ankles being dragged how hell And never came back to see my parents ever again. If you don't feed the ghosts they will  feed off of you that's what they say and they all feed off you in hell.
Petrified of war it was going to happen I didn't know what to think of this first of all this ghoulish faster Rodriguez doing great demons in ghosts into our lives dress for one night so they can eat they must be starving so badly or malnourished I don't know but I was so scared that I was going to be their source of nourishment. I can't and cat with a grip on my ankles God harder and harder to the point where is your dad scrap soon I was grabbing my every rock on the ground until I was shocked into a portal. 
There I ordered it I'm going to a place where I saw so many obscenities and forms of torture that were horrific I thought I was dreaming but it wasn't the truth it was actually really happening I tried to pinch myself to be awake and remind myself that this is a dream instead I was in a lava field river seeing people getting tortured and do it and having other obscenities don't do themselves. How can someone let them selves be tortured or other obscenities against them what is my question to begin with. I ended up in the boat of the dead the stores real I was dead I was going to be demon feed for the rest of my life I want to be reanimated to be food again for the demons that was my torture for eating their food. I was so frightened that I didn't know why my mom locked the door on me thinking I was a mangy mutt I think she had enough of my antics every year and then she decided she was going to lock me out and leave me to the ghost what she did actually anyway.

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