Parasomnia Season 8C episode 22

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*Night time*

*Angel's house*


Gerard-I got you werewolf.

*Hayden's eyes glows light yellow,and Hayden's fingernails grow into claws,and he swipes them towards Gerard,and scratches his face*

Gerard-This isn't over.

*Gerard leaves*

*The Next Day*

*Abigail's Hospital*

*T.V. Break Room*

*Hayden opens a yearbook*

Miraya-Are you sure this is going to work?
Hayden-No.But I do need to figure out something,you remember your fourth grade teacher,Satomi?
Miraya-How could I forget.
Hayden-Well,I found out that she is an Alpha werewolf too,and her own pack.
Miraya-So,what are you saying?
Hayden-We know one person that is in her pack.

*Hayden points at the picture*

Miraya-Brett Talbot?

*Abigail walks in*

Abigail-Aren't y'all suppose to be at school in ten minutes?
Miraya-Let's start walking.

*Hayden and Miraya leaves*

*Faith Academy*

*Principles Office*

Mr.James-Most Colleges require recommendations.Yours will need to be pretty stellar,considering your GPA.

*Mr.James notices that his student isn't paying attention*

Mr.James-Tracy,you feeling overwhelmed?
Tracy-No,I'm okay.
Mr.James-Have you been getting enough sleep?
Tracy-Not really.
Mr.James-Teenagers have different sleeping rhythms.When you're waking up for school,your body is still producing melatonin,you all need more sleep.
Tracy-It's not just that.
Mr.James-What do you mean?
Tracy-I get night terrors.
Mr.James-Hold on.

*Mr.James slides his chair to his phone,and calls Abigail's Hospital number*

*Abigail's Hospital*

*Dr.Geyer's Office*

Dr.Geyer-Are you sure this guy was a werewolf?
Jodi-That's what Hayden said.

*Jodi takes out a jar from her book bag with Belasko's talon's and sits them on his desk*

Dr.Geyer-I don't believe in the supernatural.
Jodi-Okay,but please just listen.
Dr.Geyer-Okay,but...As far as I can tell,these claws are actually Talons.
Jodi-I know.
Dr.Geyer-In fact,they're the Talons of a harpy eagle,one of the largest known bird for prey.
Jodi-How does a werewolf gets talons?
Dr.Geyer-I'm more interested in how these talons somehow we're able to absorb Hayden's power.
Jodi-But Hayden didn't even know he was a werewolf.
Dr.Geyer-Well,the only person who knows how to take Hayden's power,is someone he really cares about.
Jodi-What if Hayden,let someone into his friend group?
Dr.Geyer-If he is a werewolf,he has a pack.
Jodi-Okay,what if he did?
Dr.Geyer-I would normally say no...But I'm starting to wonder if the rules of our supernatural world aren't as rigid as I once thought.

*Dr.Geyer puts the talon in front of him and Jodi so they can both look at it*

Dr.Geyer-Or maybe someone is trying to change those rules.

*Faith Academy*

*Mr.James Office*

Abigail-Like actual night terrors?
Tracy-I usually don't remember them?
Abigail-Is there one that you remember?
Tracy-Yes,but I'm still terrified to talk about it.
Abigail-You have to tell me.
Tracy-I have to get to class.

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