Status Asthmaticus Season 8C episode 30 part finale

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*Night Time*

*Faith Academy*

*Nurse's Office*

Jodi-What do you mean "no"?
Hayden-Jodi,look at him,he's too weak...It will kill him,and we don't know what the mercury is doing to him.
Jodi-You promised you will do anything to save him.
Hayden-Which is why,I'm not going to do something that will kill him...There's another way to save him.
Theo-I don't know the statistics of mercury,but it looks like he is not surviving this,we have to do something.

*Middle of the road*

*Aster's car breaks down,and she gets out with her tool box,and opens it and sees her wrench,is gone,and she takes it out the car,and looks at the blood around it,and throws it at the window shield,and sits in front of the car and cries*

*Sheriff's Station*


Dispatcher over the radio-The suspect running back on all four legs...They just turned the corner.
Deputy Clark over the radio-Just seen it.

*Geyer comes and picks up a radio*

Deputy Clark over the radio-Dispatch,I have eyes on the suspect...It's heading for Faith Academy High School.
Geyer-Clark,what's going on?
Deputy Clark over the radio-It's coming towards me...Advise suspect is...OH MY GOSH.

*There is a crash*


*Geyer takes his jacket and leaves*

*Faith Academy*

*Nurse Office*

*They hear a big bang*

Jodi-What was that?
Hayden-I don't know.

*Jodi looks at the lights on*

Jodi-Theo,turn the lights off.

*Theo turns all the lights off*


Deputy Clark-I'm here,the car crashed...Ran half a mile to get here.
Geyer-I don't care,insurance will cover it.
Deputy Clark-I wonder how much insurance does this school have.

*Clark shows Geyer the school sign on the other end of the hallway,and The Dread Doctors comes in from the back*

The Pathologist-Success.
The Surgeon-Imminent.

*Nurse Office*

*Abigail comes in,with some of her doctors supplies,and puts bags of ice all over Griffin's body*

Jodi-What are you doing?
Hayden-Chelation therapy.
Abigail-That would be a great answer during rounds,but it also removes heavy metals from the blood.

*Abigail injects a shot in Griffin,and takes out the syringe*

Abigail-The problem is that it can injure the kidneys,and Griffin only has one to begin with.
Hayden-Jodi,that means that he is going to make it.
Jodi-Don't talk to me.
Theo-We are here to save a life,not kill each other.
Jodi-Hayden might do that tomorrow night.
Abigail-What does she mean?
Hayden-It's my first full moon as a werewolf,and it's a supermoon.
Abigail-What does that supposed to do,make you super strong,or super aggressive?

*The Next Day*


*Sheriff's Station*

*Geyer's Office*

*Geyer opens a envelope that Abigail left him,attached with Aster's keycard,that Aster used to get inside Abigail's Hospital that night after Donovan went missing*

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