A Novel Approach Season 8C episode 25

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*Night Time*

*Side of the road*

*Aster turns around and looks at Donovan*

Aster-What are you doing?
Donovan-Trying to kill you.

*Aster gets a wrench from her trunk,and hits Donovan with it,and she gets in her car drives off,then she looks at her rear view mirror,on the driver side,and she sees Donovan running right behind the car*

*Abigail's Hospital*


*Aster busts open through the doors running,and Donovan is following her walking*

Donovan-You dropped your phone.

*Donovan looks at Aster's phone to see who's calling her*

Donovan-Braeden's calling...Should I answer?

*Braeden stop's calling Aster*

Donovan-She stopped calling.

*Donovan looks around the corner*

Donovan-Stop being such a girl Aster,and fight me like a Women.

*Donovan hears something and he looks up,and sees Aster falling foot first,and Aster kicks him in the face*

Donovan-You bitch.

*Aster leaves running*

Donovan-Your not going anywhere.

*Donovan follows Aster angrily speed walking*

*Constructing Part of Abigail's Hospital*

Aster-Off limits.

*Aster takes down the tape*

Aster-Not tonight.

*Then Aster gets shoved,and she falls to the ground and,she turns around still on the ground and sees Donovan getting ready to kill her*

Donovan-So sad your friends won't be here to save your ass.

*Aster kicks Donovan back,and he falls and a medium sized pole that went through his heart*


*Front Desk*

*Aster calls 911*

Dispatcher through the phone-Nine one-one what's your emergency?

*Aster stays silent*

Dispatcher through the phone-Hello,is anyone there,please state your emergency.

*Aster hangs up*


*Aster gets back in her car,then something touches her,and she jumps and looks back*


*Miraya climbs up to the front seat*


*Miraya sees that Aster is a little tense*

Miraya-You okay?

*The police and Abigail pulls up,and they go inside the Hospital*

Miraya-Why are they here?
Aster-I don't know...Why are you here?
Miraya-I had a feeling that someone is going to die.

*Moments later Abigail and the Police Officer comes out,and drives away,then Miraya looks at blood on Aster's hand*

Miraya-Did you kill someone?
Miraya-Then why is there blood.
Aster-It was self defense.
Miraya-Okay,I believe you.
Miraya-Yes,if it has to come to a point that you have to kill someone to protect yourself through self defense,then I believe you.
Aster-Thank you.
Miraya-No problem.

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