Required Reading Season 8C episode 26

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*Abigail's Hospital*


*Abigail drags Hayden to the elevator,and Abigail looks at Skipper who kicked The Surgeon,and Abigail presses the button so the elevator door can close*


*Skipper runs to the elevator*


*Night time*

*Shreya's Home*

*Shreya's Room*

Shreya-I just found out I am a kitsune.
Hayden-I kind of know.
Shreya-What do you mean?
Hayden-When my eyes glowed,I saw some kind of aura around you.
Shreya-Why didn't you tell me?
Hayden-I was.
Hayden-I looked up Kitsune and I read one about Thunder Kitsune's,and how they are around electricity.
Shreya-That's why you didn't want me to go to Eichen House with you?
Shreya-Thanks for trying to keep me safe.

*Hayden smiles,then he kisses Shreya*

*Faith Academy*

*Football field*

*A deputy that turns on the field lights,and there are eights holes in the ground*

Deputy Clark-My goodness.

*The Next Day*


*Abigail's Hospital*

*Outside Cafeteria*

Abigail-Two dead that we know of.
Dr.Geyer-Plus,eight new ones?
Skipper-That makes ten in all.
Dr.Geyer-I'm thinking eleven.
Abigail-Why do you say that?
Dr.Geyer-Tech guy confirmed something.They said both the holding cell lock and cameras could have malfunctioned,because of something electromagnetic.
Abigail-Keep going.
Dr.Geyer-You said these guys?

*Dr.Geyer looks at Skipper hoping for the answer he is looking for*

Skipper-The Dread Doctors.
Dr.Geyer-Are we really calling them that?
Skipper-So,they broke Donovan out?
Dr.Geyer-Isn't it how they got into that insane alyssum?
Skipper-I have to go do rounds.

*Skipper leaves*

Dr.Geyer-Donovan's a chimera?
Abigail-That's what Skipper told me.

*Parrish's Apartment*

*Parrish's Bedroom*

Parrish-Miraya asked me to teach you self defense.
Skipper-I come from a family that already knows how to fight.
Parrish-Let me still teach you.
Skipper-Fine,since I have nothing better to do.
Parrish-Arms up,that way,you can block attacks.
Skipper-I know.
Skipper-For what?
Parrish-I'm going to attack you.

*Skipper smiles*

Skipper-Okay,let see who will win.

*Parrish gets ready to punch Skipper,but Skipper dodges it and punch Parrish in the stomach*

Parrish-Round two?
Skipper-I can do this all day.

*Skipper puts her leg up to kick Parrish,then Parrish grabs her ankle,and Skipper puts her leg down,and kicks Parrish in between his legs*

Skipper-Rule number three.
Parrish-You got me...You win.

*Skipper holds her hand out so Parrish can get up,and he takes his hand puts his on Skipper's and he gets up*

Skipper-Sometimes you need to try to bend the rules,to win a fight.
Parrish-I know and I don't worry,my muscles have memories.
Skipper-Everyone's muscles does.

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