Ouroboros Season 8C episode 28

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*From Season 8C episode 25,what Shreya was doing while her friends are at Eichen House*

*Route 115*

*Shreya's Family Truck*

Shreya's Mom-Sweetheart.
Shreya's Mom-Have you told your little crush that you are a kitsune?
Shreya's Dad-You cannot tell anyone else.
Shreya-Why not?
Shreya's Dad-Because your powers could become out of hand.
Shreya-I know,that's why I want to control my powers.
Shreya's Dad-Your Uncle and Cousin will come here to visit.
Shreya's Mom-You should be building a relationship with them.
Shreya-Of course,me as a Hale has to be building relationships with everyone,great.


*The Dread Doctors Russian Laboratory*

*Shanika,and Parrish walks in*

Parrish-I know the rules of superstition.
Shanika-What do they say?
Parrish-They come,they come for all of us.
Shanika-The Dread Doctors?
Parrish-Yes...They had a symbol.
Shanika-Which is?
Parrish-A snake eating itself.
Shanika-The Ouroboros.

*Parrish looks at a dead body*

Parrish-Like that one.
Shanika-Failed experiments.

*Shanika picks up a jar with something inside of it*

Parrish-Is that a claw?
Shanika-No...It's a tooth...Think I found what I am looking for.
Parrish-I'll start the car.

*Parrish leaves,then Shanika looks at something on the wall*

Shanika-A sign to get out of here.

*Then a mysterious figure comes out of the dark with a gun pointing at Shanika*

Aster's Dad-Easy,Mrs.President...I'm pretty sure I can shoot faster then you could run.
Shanika-Who are you?
Aster's Dad-Let's just say,you know what I am here for.

*Sem's Preserve*

*Middle of the woods*

Hayden-No scent,no tracks.
Holly J.-Can't Griffin just howl back?
Hayden-I don't know if he can.
Holly J-And if he can?
Hayden-Then he'll hear it.

*Night Time*

*Abigail's House*


*Abigail walks in through the back door,and close and locks it then turns around and sees a dead girl with Shreya's sword in her stomach*



Dr.Geyer-You said you had a situation?
Abigail-Yes,but it's complicated...If you come in you have to keep your badge outside.
Dr.Geyer-Literally or figuratively?
Dr.Geyer-Abigail you know I can't do that.
Abigail-Just this once,please.

*Dr.Geyer takes his badge off*

Abigail-Thank you.


*Abigail and Geyer walks in and sees the dead girl*

Dr.Geyer-Has anyone seen Shreya?
Abigail-You think she did this,do you?
Dr.Geyer-I don't want to think that.
Abigail-You don't think this is a warning for us,right?

*Dr.Geyer turns on his radio on his shoulder*

Dr.Geyer-Dispatch,this is Sheriff Geyer...I got a one-eight-seven at sixteen-eighteen Williamson Road,notify a doctor at Abigail's Hospital.

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