Fires of Idirsholas (Part 1)

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Merlins POV

"Hurry up Merlin. We don't have time to doddle." Arthur called from the front of the group. Leading the way toward the abadoned castle of medhir. Apparently something the fires of Idirsholas had started burning again after 300 years, and even though its just a silly legend. The villagers became spooked convinced this means the knights of medhir have been revived. Even though they have been dead for 300 years.

According to legend. 300 years ago, seven of Camelot's finest knights were seduced by the sorceress Medhir. The knights became a force to be reckoned with as they swore to serve Medhir, destroying everything in their path. The knights were only stopped when Medhir was killed, as without her magic, they became lifeless. Before she died she supposedly cast a curse that if the fires of Idirsholas were to ever light. The 7 knights of Medhir would ride again to wreck havoc upon the world.

Part of me felt like complaining about the fact that we have been sent on a wild goose chase. Chasing after a stupid legend that can't possibly be true. No matter how worried Gauis may have been, but no matter how hard I try. I can't bring myself to complain to the prince anymore. Just the thought alone sends fear down my spine.

Although I know Arthur wouldn't intentionally hurt me for back talking. I can't shake the fear of him hurting me by accident. Like he nearly got me killed by the king.

So instead I remained silent. Urging my mare to trot a little faster with my reigns. Arthur noticing my silence merely sighed continuing the rest of the journey in silence.

Arriving at our destination. The prince held up his hand for silence as all 4 of us. 2 knights, Arthur, and I, dismounted. Creeping foreward we slowly approached the walls of the castle. Our eyes peeled for danger. Its times like this when everyone is on high alert that i wonder. Why does Arthur bring me. I am not a knigjt. I don't own armour. I can't use a sword and although its bias. I am a girl. As far as he is aware I am defenseless.

So why does he bring me? Hmm maybe when I am no longer mad at him I will ask. I pause realizing my thoughts are already pointing toward forgiveness. Drat this stupid crush. Makes it hard to hold a grudge against the prat.

We are just beginning to relax at the lack of danger. When out of no where a knight made of stone appears sliding its sword swiftly through sir Alex chest. Killing him before he could so much as gasp.

Than it begins. Arthur shouts out commands as we sweep into battle. With me hiding in the background. Using my magic to take down knight after stone knight. Yet no matter how many we take down. More appear. A whole lot more than just 7 thats for sure. Stupid legends getting the number wrong. Before we know it. Its just Arthur and I left alive surrounded by stone knights.

Thinking fast. I allow my eyes to glow golden as I pull Arthur backwards through a doorway. The moment Arthurs feet are through the door. The ceiling collapses. Trapping the stone knights beneath its weight. Huffing in exhaustion. Arthur grins believing it to be a struck of good luck. All while I roll my eyes in the background. Seriously that boy would be lost with out me. I think fondly.

Believing the danger to be over. Arthur decides we should head back and inform the king of sir Alex and Sir Ronalds death. Yet the moment we walk through the camelot gates. We are met with a horrific sight. Bodys every where. Lining the streets. Draped across food carts. Even lining the castle steps. Horror is the only emotion we can feel in that moment. That is until we see their chest moving and realize they are all just asleep.

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