The Tragedy of The Lake

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Warning Attempted rape and violence ahead.

Freya POV

"Be careful." I begged watching my fiance strapping his bag around his shoulders. His bow and arrows held carefully in his hands. Turnng and giving me a soft smile. He leaned down to place a gentle kiss against my lips.

"You worry too much. I will be ok. When I return I will have enough game to feed the whole kingdom." He teased winking at me. I smile seeing this side of him. Its not often Percival showed his teasing side. As far as the villagers, even his own family knows. He is a sweet but quiet young man. I have even heard them call him a gentle giant from time to time. He usually only showed this side of himself around me.

"I wish you wouldn't go alone." I sighed hating that because of the cold sweeping through the village not many men have been strong enough to go hunting. Percival worried for the health of his fellow villagers said he would go into the woods and hunt for game and medicanal herbs to help everyone. He would be gone all night and will return sometime tomorrow after noon.

"I know but I am the only one strong enough to go. I will be careful. I will be back tomorrow."

"You better mister. You promised me we would finally marry tomorrow. Since you have to go hunting for the village now. It will have to wait until after you get home."

"Hmm did I promise that?" He teased pretending to be deep in thought. Smacking his arm in jest. I pulled him into a goodbye kiss. Pulling away. I closed my eyes in happiness as he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"I will see you tomorrow my love." Watching until I could no longer see him. I sighed in longing wishing we were already married.

"Just one more day." I mummured turning back to head into my cottage. Just as I was preparing to shut the door. It was forced open again by Jeremy. Helga's boy. I felt fear momentarily flash over my face as he forced his way inside before schooling it into a neutral expression.

Ever since he was old enough to marry he has been harrassing me for my hand. Even after I got engaged to Percival he hasn't stopped. Normally Percival is here to stop his pestering though. This is the first time since being engaged that I been alone. Suddenly feeling very vulnerable. I took a step back. In which he took a step foreward.

"Hello Freya darling. You look truly stunning today." He hummed eyes wandering. A look of lust clear in his gaze.

"What do you want Jeremy. " I demanded forcing my voice not to tremble in fear.

"Why that should be obvious. I want you of course." He anwsered taking my hand and rubbing his hand gently over my fingers. Jerking my hand away. I tucked it safely over my chest. A frown on my face as I glared him down.

"I am engaged Jermany. I don't know how many times I have to say it before you get it through your head. I am not interested." I spat. Lowering my hand to the table. My hand unconsciously closing around a hand full of powder in a bowl as he took another step closer.

"I'm aware, but you see my dear thats not good enough. Since I know you will be married tomorrow. I decided to take matters into my own hands. I wonder if he will still want you if you are no longer virtuous?" With that he leaped toward me. Hands reaching toward the buttons on my dress. Screaming in terror I dodged sending the powder into his face in hopes of stalling him.

Scrambling toward the door. My hand was inches from the knob. When he leaped on my back. Pinning me to the ground as he attempted to tug of my clothes. Squirming and kicking. I managed to turn onto my back. Giving me room to scratch at his face with my nails. Yet still he proceeded popping open each button admist my struggles. Jabbing my fingers into his eyes. He howled in pain falling backwards and allowing me the time to grab a knife that had fallen onto the floor in our struggle.

In a split second decision I grabbed it and drove it through his chest just as he collected himself and made a grab for me. Crumbling to the ground, gasping as he struggled to breathe. He stared up at me in horror before finally taking his last breath. It was at this moment the villagers who heard my screams burst through the door. Seeing me standing over Jeremy dead body. Messed up hair. Dress slightly undone, hands covered in blood, and shaking like a leaf. They guessed what happened. It was no secret that Jeremy fancied me. Nor that he couldn't take no for an anwser. Wasn't the first time a villager had to pull him away from me when he became too handsy.

So in the end. I was not blamed. It was deemed self defense and I was left to clean up my blood stained home after the body was removed. It was shortly after dark when I had finally finished cleaning up from the struggle. That their was a knock on the door.

My face paled when I saw who was standing there. Fury clear on her tear stained face. Black mourning dress ruffled from her distress.

"H....Helga. What are you doing here?" I stammered terrified. If Jeremy was bad it was nothing on his mother. After her husband was killed by a knight their were rumors that the knight met an unfortunate end at her hands but it could never be proved. Though I have a feeling I am about to find out what happened to that knight.

"You! You murdered my boy! You should be dead!" She screeched stepping toward me a wild glint in her eyes.

" was self defense. H... he attacked me. I was just protecting myself." I stammered stepping away from the crazy woman.

"Ha! My precious boy would never do what you claimed. He was a good boy. No you murdered him in cold blood!" She spat tears filling her violet eyes.

"No I..."

"Don't even bother trying to lie. I know the truth. You know what. Since you enjoy killing so much. Why not make it so you have no choice but to kill. Every night from this point on. You shall turn into a horrible beast with the taste for human flesh. You shall kill until morning when you will awaken back to normal. You shall remember everything you do the night before with no way to stop it." She cackled eyes flashing gold as a black mist encircles me. With one final tear filled glare she vanished into a puff of smoke.

I screamed in terror as I felt my bones break. Enlongating and bending in unnatrual ways. My body changing into that of a horrible creature with wings. When the transformation finished I felt an unnatrual hunger take hold. Saliva building in my mouth as I glared with red eyes into the darkness through my open door. Bursting through the door. Sending the hut to the ground as I broke a new door into it to allow me out. I raced through the village.

Breaking down the thin walled houses. Killing everyone I find. Leaving behind nothing but blood guts and a few disgarded arms or heads here and there. The next morning as I blinked awake back to normal. I stared in horror at my blood stained dress and hands. Looking around the destroyed village in horror as tears filled my eyes. There is no way I can marry Percival now. I would just end up killing him the first night.

With one final broken sob. I leapt to my feet. Racing away from the village I killed and to who knows where. I wandered around killing at night against my will. Bathing in rivers in mornings sobbing as I attempted to clean myself of the blood.

Even the druids wouldn't take me. Deeming me to dangerous after the second camp of druids I killed at night. Even their magic couldn't stop me. So again I wandered until finally I was captured by a money hungry bounty hunter. Placed in a cage and taken to Camelot to await my execution. At least I will finally be free in death.

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