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Basil's pov: so- tired, but I finally made it! just in time. I thought to myself as I entered the Café.

"Hey Basil! I thought you weren't coming today but thank god you're here! I seriously gotta go now, again- thanks for taking my shift today! bye!"

"No problem Mary" I said as I walked to the backroom to get ready for the shift.

??? pov:

Man im so hungry after all that running...I do have some money left maybe i could stop by one of the cafés nearby. Walking down the path, I took a brief glance at the jacket in my bag, how am I gonna explain to mom why I decided to take the jacket instead of just leaving it there so Basil can just take it back himself...I mean, it could have gotten stolen??? I let out a sighed before looking up to the café in front of me. hmmm it doesn't look bad maybe I'll just eat here.

Basil's pov:

I almost fell asleep at the counter when I heard the bell on the door jingle.

"Good afternoon! welcome to Lilac Café what can I get-" I greeted but as I slowly raised my head up to look at the customer, I realised who it was..


Wait isn't this that new kid?? again I still can't see his god damn face because of his hair and mask. Jesus why the fuck does he wear that mask??

"A cup of coffee and 1 slice of chocolate cake please" He said as if it the 100th time he ordered it. To be honest, his voice is kinda soothing...NO WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING BASIL FOCUS

"Alright that will be $5.45" He hands me the money in a swift motion and went ahead to himself a seat while I took out a slice of chocolate cake and go prepare his coffee.

"Here you go" I said as I place the cake and cup on the table before walking away.

I stared at him from a far as he removed his mask. Holy shit he's actually pretty cute..NO WAIT BASIL NO! AGAIN FOCUS

Minutes pass and he took the last bite of his cake. I couldnt have but notice the smile of satisfaction plastered on his face.

Before I knew it he was out the door seconds later.

Man...just an hour more before my shift ends.

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