Five: Quit

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A rain drop immediately falls down my cheek as I step off of the bus. I've been catching this bus for almost two weeks now and I'm still not used to it.

This morning has not started off too well. Mamma left the kitchen a mess, so I had to clean it before I left. It's raining and I'm wearing a dress and one of my sandals is about to break. I just know it. But at work it will be better.

Vivo has also been acting strange. Last night he didn't rub my nose back as he usually did. I prayed mama hadn't done anything like she did with George.

George was my dog. I adopted him after graduating highschool. A few months later, I visited mama and Diddy with him. Diddy loved him and they quickly became best friends. Mama, however, wasn't a big fan of him.

One night, I slept over for Thanksgiving. She had let George stay in the back. I heard commotion when I was sleeping but just assumed she was cooking or something. But when I woke up that morning, George was gone. I cried and cried all day and she still didn't tell me the truth.

When she first started hitting me and was drunk, that's when she told me about her getting rid of George. She laughed in my face as I sat crying, both from the pain in my back and George. I loved George and will always remember him.

About half a mile away from my job, I feel the strap of my sandals disconnect and my right foot hits the wet sidewalk.

"I knew it!" I shout, my damp hair hitting my neck.

I leave the sandals there and decide to go to the store next to the burger shop. I hoped they had shoes.

When I go inside the store, I look around in search of shoes. I finally find them and become disappointed seeing there are only cheap flip-flops. They'll break quicker than my bank account last summer.

I guess this will have to work. 

I buy the pink flip-flops and start back walking. Within less than ten minutes, the left one breaks, so I replace it with the sandal I still had left.

After finally reaching the building, I ring out my dress from the rain before going inside. Soon I reach Mr. Acquires office, and he immediately looks at me with a scowl.

"You're thirty minutes late." He grumbles.

"I am so sorry, Mr. Boss. See my shoe br-"

"I do not care, Ms. Hernandez. Just get to work and don't let it happen again."

If he says that phrase one more time, I think I'm just going to lose my mind.

"Yes sir." I respond, putting my bag on the side of my desk.

For the remainder of the day, I try to work, but Mr. Acquire is even more mean than usual. He yells at me almost every hour, doesn't let me tell him about my day as usual and by the time three rolls around I am holding in my tears. I could only take so much, you know.

I wipe my eyes as he comes inside after taking a cigarette break. "Ms. Hernandez, do you have the paperwork I need?"

"No sir, I'm sorry."

"Oh for fuck's sak-"

I stand up from my desk and grip my dress, trying to hold back my tears and afraid he will hit me.

"What the hell are you d-

"I tried to prove them wrong, that I wouldn't quit like the rest of them. But you are a mean man, Mr. Boss. I showed up to work today with two different shoes, my clothes dripping, hair damp, and you only care about yourself. You know just because you're grumpy doesn't mean you have to make everyone else around you that way."

I pick up my bag and walk to the door as he stares at me confused, "Now you just have a good day because I done just about had it. I quit, Mr. Acquire!" I say before walking out of his office.

That probably wasn't the best idea.

A/N: Hey y'all! I am just deeply sorry for how short this is, but I hope you enjoyed it! I will update soon, have a good day :)

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