Ten: It's Dr. Acquire now

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"Ms. Hernadez, I will walk out of this store if you don't choose something in the next five seconds."

A thud is heard inside the dressing room for the fifth time since we've been here and I roll my eyes. I should have just asked my receptionist to find her something to wear.

Tonight, I need to be at a casino for a possible investment.  The owner had emailed me a good enough percentage so tonight I was going to check it out.

Lily is supposed to come along, so she can take notes and inspect it for me. Her usual style, skinny jeans or a long dress with sandals and one strap bag wasn't going to work for tonight. Although I preferred her style than my employees who would freak out if even a hair was moved.

She steps out of the dressing room with a wide smile. "I really like this one!" She says cheerfully, wearing a light green shirt and a matching long skirt.

"Lift up the skirt. "

Her mouth goes agape and she blushes, "Goodness, we haven't even gone on a date yet!"

"To see the shoes, Lily."

"Oh. My apologies." She giggles and lifts her skirt a little.

I stand up in irritation, "No sandals."

She throws her hands up and frowns, "Well why not? I think I've tried on nearly the whole store and the blister on my pinky toe is not very happy about it, Muffin."

I walk closer and stand in front of her, "Listen to words coming out of my mouth." I point to my lips, "This is a casino. No sandals, boots or anything remotely close to your style." I say, speaking slowly.

She hits my shoulder, "I ain't five years old!" She replies before stomping off to the dressing room and I laugh.

I sit back down as she tries on other clothes. The next outfit she comes out in is a light pink dress with matching sneakers. Seeing the glare I have she goes back inside the dressing room. Five minutes later she returns wearing light blue jeans and a matching tank top and long sleeve shirt underneath.

She flexes her non-existent muscles and I laugh before telling her to try something else. I think I've laughed more than I have in the last five years since I've met Lily. I roll my eyes at that.

The cheerful-giggle-bomb was right. I am warming up to her.

Lily has been my assistant for almost five weeks now and the way she is slowly starting to affect is beginning to aggravate me. I had a dream about her last night for fuck's sake! All of my life I've only had nightmares and the dreams I've had I couldn't even remember. But I've never had one about a woman. Especially a woman who is the exact opposite of me.

When Lily squeals my train of thought is gone and my attention directs to her. "Did you break another hanger? Are you serious? Do you know how to stay out of trouble at all or is it just your n-"

"Well kick me in the tush and call me Judy because I think we've got a winner, sugar."

The door flies open and Lily walks out the dressing room, wearing a long dark red dress with matching heels. I stare at her in awe and stand up.

"You like?" She asks, twirling and smiling happily

How can someone be so fucking beautiful?

"Fuck." I mumble as my eyes run over her.

She stops and stares at me expectantly, "How do I look, Muffin?"

Beautiful. Gorgeous. Sexy. Astonishing. Magnificent. Perfect.

"Nice." I reply and begin walking to the register.

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