Thirteen: Shut up

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As I look through Diana's closet, I sigh. It was actually Diana and Dante's closet since her and Fiona moved in with him after their wedding. 

"You're a peach, Diane. But I just can't find a dress that can fit me." 

She gets up from the bed and stands in front of the closet. Taking out a bright green short dress, she holds it up. 

"What about this one? I've never worn it before and you'll look amazing in it."

I smile softly and accept the dress. It wasn't really a looker, but I didn't want to say no to my very best friend. 

She stares at me for a moment and frowns. Snatching the dress from me, she throws it back in the closet. "You don't like it, do you?"

"Well, of course I do! It's so b-"


"No. I'm sorry Diane, but that's got to be one of ugliest dresses I've ever seen in my gosh darn life." 

I frown at myself at being so mean. Usually I'm not like this, but I guess whenever I'm nervous, I'm not the same person. 

Last night, I had another breakdown. I only have one now and then, but when it happens, it affects me for a while. My emotions get so hectic and scrambled that I just sit in a corner, rock back and forth and cry my eyes out as I rub my necklace. 

Before Diddy had to start leaving again, he used to help me every time I broke down. He'd hug me and rub my head until I calmed down. I thought mama would do the same but whenever I did have one, she'd tell me to grow up. She's just trying to help me though, that's all. 

I push those thoughts aside and think about the date I have tonight with Theo. I get to call him by his first name now because he likes me! 

When Muffin told me that yesterday, I hugged him so tight, he had threatened to tell Vivo and goodness no, I couldn't let that happen. Vivo and I made a rule a while ago about me being too touchy. If I told him how many times I've broken that rule since I've met Muffin, I think he'd just about run out of his cage and never return. 

Val and Audrey walk in and I smile. Val rushes to me with a bag, "Is what I hear correct? Is Lilybug going on a date?" She asks and I smile, nodding proudly. 

"Yes, ma'am!"

She squeals and hugs me. I hug her back tightly until she backs away. Val hands me the bag as Audrey sits on the bed. I open it and gasp, seeing what's inside. I hold up the lingerie set for the girls to see. 

"Val!" I yell in shock as Audrey and Diana laugh. 

She smiles, her pretty brown dimples showing, "Now that is the get laid on the first date set. I'm telling you, it works like a charm, girl. How do you think me and Edward got together so quickly?"

I gasp again, "Oh, no! Muffin and I aren't doing that, Val!"

She frowns. "Well, you've done it before."

"Yes, I know. But that didn't count. Muffin is special. I can feel it. So I want it to be special if we do it. Besides, I didn't even, you know, the first time I did it."

Diana laughs, "You mean cum?"

I start to blush and look away. "Yes "

Audrey leans forward. "And you believe this guy is going to make you cum, Lily?"

My blush grows deeper. "My goodness, I don't want to answer that."

Heavenly father I am so sorry for the answer to that question. 

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