now that shed sheerone was jesus, he got full of himself. he thought he could have as many wives as he wanted, like in the olden times. so he requested the fairest maiden from the red karpet, which was still happening, be brought to him. mommy kommy didnt know because she was in her jacuzzi. so the guards brought lizzo to eddy's throne. eddy fell off his throne in shock. although he loved kim, he had never liked that her dumpy was fake, so he was ecstatic to have a woman with a true dumper. he could not resist. so they analed. eddy sheerone took it up the ArEsS(ass) on the red karpet, but forgot it was being livestreamed.................................................
salami kimami was watching the livestream on facebook maquet space. she cried in her jacuzzi. she feels betrayed by this carrottop of a man, so she goes to call her ex, yeye, BUTT..............................................................................LIZZO'S PHONE RANG ON THE RED KARPET AND KIMBALLS HEARD THE RINGTONE! the ringtone was duck call sounds, and that's how she realized LIZZO WAS YEYE IN DISGUISE!!!! kim could not believe her eyes. she was watching eddy and yeye get it on!!! she bounced on her dumpy to the red karpet and ripped lizzo's weave off, revealing yeye! ah! everyone in the whole world gasped.
edsheeran x kimkardashian
Spiritualginger meets dumpy, the rest is history. they were meant for each other. the only thing keeping them apart is her enormous dumpy its too big