as edday was on his death bed on the red karp. he said, "take care of my baby sheerones 🤱🤱🤱🤱for me my baba gril titty tat kitty cat kim and i love you lizz-yo. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ *cutely deaths* eddy's dead corpse begins to recite the entire bee movie scipt ( 😉🐝❤)
everyone at the red karp. starts dancing as the corpse in the middle of the reed karp. recites the bee movie. yaY. mumma kimma (kim) adopts all the octuplets as heR own. there were seven boys and one wee little las. all the boys were named eddy sheerone the second to pay tribute to edday sheerone the first. the wee little las was named EDYA. kim and 'ye remarried on the RED karpy and took back their daughter up down left right, who was also jesus. so now they had up down left right, anelle, anelle 2 (dos), eddy sheerone 2, eddy sheerone 2, eddy sheerone 2, eddy sheerone 2, eddy sheerone 2, eddy sheerone 2, eddy sheerone 2, and EDYA ( the bussy) hapy after ever.
edsheeran x kimkardashian
Spiritualginger meets dumpy, the rest is history. they were meant for each other. the only thing keeping them apart is her enormous dumpy its too big