like i said, ed ed and eddy is gregnant. he is so fertile so he had octuplets(8 of them) on the red karp. he was breastfooding the children. titty kitty kim was distruaght; she was certain that she wanted yeye back but she didnt know how to get rid of EDYA. she had forgiven yeye for eating their child because she ended up becoming jesus anyway. her and yeye made a plan................................... to KILL EDDAY SHEERONE. dildo kildo (kim) and yeye needed their weapon back (the weeve) so they went to retreeve it from edards baddusyyy (all3ofthem) #nospaces. They ambush edday and GRAB the weeve (outof the bedusy). EDDAY #droppeddead. The weeve was eddy sheron's only sorce of life. it was shovered so far up his 3 badusyz that it pushed all his other organs out. it was keeping him ALIVE. so he die. lol.
edsheeran x kimkardashian
Spiritualginger meets dumpy, the rest is history. they were meant for each other. the only thing keeping them apart is her enormous dumpy its too big