"well, here we are" she says, stopping at the double doors of the guild. "Alright, here goes" I say, opening the doors. The place is set up like a restaurant, with tables scattered around the place. To be quite honest, I thought there's be a lot more people here than there are.theres about six people in total, including the receptionist. She's much younger than the lady from the inn, around my age, and she's wearing a greenish uniform topped with a cream coloured apron. "Hello! What can I do for you today?" She asks. " We're here to register as adventurers" I say, stepping inside. The goddess follows me. "I see. Just sign these forms and we can get started" the lady says. I sign the forms, and she takes us to an upstairs room with a typewriter-like machine made from wood with cusps in front of it. "Place your arms in those cusps, and this device will write out your status on a piece of paper. That way, we can determine how prominent you are in the field" she says, and I sit down, placing my arms in the half shackle like device. Almost as if from nowhere, the wooden letters begin stamping down on the paper. Each area of the status is followed by how it is rated, and next to it in brackets is the exact measurement of said statistic. Mine is as follows:
Stamina: Excellent (700+)
Strength: Good (163)
Agility: Inhuman (1500+)
Wits: Good (146)
Endurance: Below Average (79)
Magina: Above average (104)
Power: average (98)Overall rating: Excellent (562)
Skills: Situational awareness; Growth Acceleration; Appraisal Disrupt; False Appraisal; Appraisal; Intelligence; Conscience Enhancement; Parkour Master; Parkour Basic; Parkour Advanced; Parkour.
First Name: Deisuke
Second Name: Kyouya
Last Name: Tsuchiya
Overall Rank: A (786)"That's quite the abundance of skills, I've never heard of the skill 'Parkour' before. And your agility is... curious, to say the least" she says. "My turn!" Says the goddess, putting her hands in the device. Hers reads:
Stamina: Average: (86)
Strength: Poor (47)
Agility: Good (164)
Wits: Above Average (125)
Endurance: Below Average (68)
Magina: Excellent (700+)
Power: Excellent (675)Overall Rating: Great (604)
Skills: Magic Control; Awareness; Greater Regeneration; Water Master
Name: Aries
Overall Rank: B (683)"Hmmph, that's no fair!" She says. "Well, it is pretty good Compared to the average adventurer" says the woman. Aries, huh? That's quite a Godly name, though I suppose she is a goddess. "All that's left is the seal of approval from the Guildmaster. This way, please" says the lady, and we follow her to an office like room. "Miss Guildmaster, we have new adventurers who need your approval" the lady says, and a short girl steps out. She's no child, but she's definitely a small person. "Welcome! We just have one last step for you before you can get out there" the girl says. "Alright, so what do we do?" I ask. "Simply place your finger on this crystal ball, and it'll seal the deal" she says. Aries and I both do so, and the girl stamps our assessment sheets. "Alrighty, all done. You two are now officially adventurers. Here's your dog tags" she says, handing us our dog tags. On one side is your name, and the other is your overall ranking. "You don't take those off while on-duty, and don't lose them either, they're expensive to replace" she says, and we go back to the main room. "Now that you two are adventurers, I'll be your adventure guide. There's a few easy jobs, as well as a slightly tougher one" says our guide. "I'd like to take a look at the tougher one" I say. "Alright. Please, refer to me as Sammy from now on" she says, pulling out a page. The actual task is simple: subjugate a small group of petty thieves. It's rated for Rank B and up, so it should be relatively easy. The job takes place later this afternoon, so I've got some time to kill before I actually start it. I've got a knife, but I highly doubt that a knife alone with no armour will be enough to fight a bunch of tough thieves, so I should focus on getting myself some kind of protection.

Stranger From a Strange Land (canceled)
FantasiaDeisuke Tsuchiya's ultimate dream was to become a professional parkour instructor. After his first attempt fails and leaves him with no job and no money, he starts working at a tech company. After three years, Deisuke's life doesn't change. One day...