Shit Meetings, Then Something Better.

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"Hi, Harry. I am the head of WIzarding Child Protective Services in Britain," Ms. Lady I'm forced to talk to says. "You can call me Mary if you'd like."

"Okay. Hi."

"You know why you're here?"

"Yeah. You want to ask questions about my dad and his boyfriend to see if they can adopt."

"Right. Are you alright with them being out of the room, or would you rather they join us?"

"I'm okay without them in here."

"Then I'm going to start. I'll be using a self-writing quill to-"

"I'd prefer it if you didn't use one of those," I interrupt. "Rita Skeeter used one and it changed everything I said no matter what I was saying."

"I assure you, this will write exactly what you are saying. It won't change any of our conversation."

"Considering I can't check and make sure it won't because I don't know the spell to, I'd still prefer you didn't." She grabs the stupid self writing quill, puts it in her desk, and takes out a regular one. "Thank you."

I can tell she isn't exactly happy about that, but I'm not talking if she's using one of those blasted quills. 

It's all stupid questions. Do they hurt you, do they feed you, are you happy, shit like that. And I know she has to ask them, I know that, but it still pisses me off. 

I shouldn't be having to do this. That's why I'm angry. And she keeps trying to get me to slip up, to say they do something they don't, to contradict myself. 

Ugh, I just want to go home. 

"We're almost done, Mr. Potter," Mary says. "Just one last question. Are you alright with that?"

"Yeah, whatever."

"Do you think, even though they do not do this to you, that they might abuse an adopted sibling?"

"What the hell!?"

"I have to-"

"Of course they wouldn't! Why not do it to me and then do it to another kid!?"

How dare she even... even think they might...

"Why would either of them, after going through it themselves, abuse another goddamn kid!?" I'm half shouting and I don't exactly care. "They'd never do that, not to me, not to anyone else!"

"Look, I have to ask, especially considering their pasts."

"Considering their pasts, you should know for a damn fact they wouldn't. Are we done?" She nods, writing some shit with the quill she didn't want to use but has to. "Good."

I slam her door shut, half hoping that the stupid pictures on her wall fall and shatter. 

"That bad, huh?"

"Let's just go home," I mumble. "Before I light her stupid office on fire."

"I wouldn't say something like that while inside of the Ministry," Regulus says. "You get caught, they could arrest you."

"Whatever. Should arrest everyone who accused you both of abusing me," I reply. Stupid motherfuckers. "Bloody idiots."

"I hope you didn't call her that-"

"I didn't. I kept my temper most of the time, don't worry about it."

They look at each other, which means they're worrying about it. 

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