Four: The Call

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"Thanks for getting the things I need for the party today," I heard Mason say quick from the kitchen, almost like he was in a rush to get somewhere. Oh wait, he was. "I can't believe it is the 27th already! Time sure does fly by..."

"Yeah, it does," I replied, as I turned my head to watch him come out of the kitchen and into the cream colored living room where I sat. His black, buttoned down self would have looked charming if he wasn't leaving me again...

"Anyways, I have to get going now. I'll be home by at the very max midnight. If you need anything call my work phone, I'll be sure to answer it this time around," he told, before handing me the number to it, kissing me quick on the cheek once more, and leaving through the front door conjoined off the living room like always.

Sighing, everything felt like Deja vu to me and I hated it without a doubt. Yet, no words came from my mouth to him about it, so I just kept on living life day to day like usual.

"Stupid," I muttered to myself, as I pushed back my long sandy hair into a ponytail and stood up from the couch. Limping my way over to the guest bedroom down a hallway off the living room, where I was sleeping for the time being, I noticed an old cord phone on the nightstand beside the bed; which immediately made me think of Liam.

It had been a week since he helped me in the grocery store, a week of boring old sit-coms and loneliness. Why hadn't I called him? I thought to myself, since anything would have been better than boredom. Why don't I now? I thought once more, before limping over to my wooden, red bed, plopping myself down onto it, and picking up the phone.

I had his number stored in the drawer of the nightstand and so immediately pulled it open to grab a hold of his business card. Dialing the numbers shown for his home phone, I pushed the long white phone to my ear and waited until he picked up.

"Hello?" I heard a man answer after about four rings, sending me to gap my mouth open and reply instantly.

"Hi, it's Auburn Monroe. The one from the grocery store!" I said fast, afraid he didn't hear or catch half of the words I spoke.

"Oh! Yes, you. Nice of you to finally call...." he joked, sending me to roll over onto my back on the bed and smile up at the ceiling.

"Sorry, I was...busy," I lied, not wanting to tell him the truth about how I forgot about him. 

With a chuckle, he responded back. "No biggy, I understand, you were probably out running thousands of errands with that broken leg of yours. How did you get that anyways?" he wondered in the end, sending me to bite my lip. I didn't want to tell him about the crash, I didn't want to tell him how I lost my memory, or that I had stitches still in place that I tried hiding best I could.

It meant he would give me pity, want to come over and help me more, and though I would love the company and everything, I don't want him doing that.

"I-uhm...I fell," I told, though even I could tell how big of a lie it was. Curse my lying skills... I thought under my breath, before finishing my sentence. "Outside, on the concrete. Slipped actually, on the ice! Yes, slipped," I ended, making it sound more believable... hopefully.

"Slipped, huh?" he asked in a teasingly tone, almost like he didn't want to believe me. "Well if you say so..."

"It's true!" I yelled with a laugh, sending him to laugh on the other end.

"Okay, okay!" he replied, before sending a long wave of silence to engulf us. It was almost as if time had stopped, like we were just in the moment, not talking, but together. I liked it... "What are you doing tonight?" he said, breaking the silence all together.

Hesitating, I started to think truly about what I was doing. Which was absolutely nothing.

"Nothing much," I told, as I rolled over onto my side and traced the bed sheets with my fingers. I was secretly hoping he would ask to do something, just so I could get out I presumed...

"Would you like to go out for dinner? Not as a romantic thing, obviously, since you have a fiancé, but as a more friendly get together," he asked, making it clear he wasn't trying to be sneaky with anything. 

Laughing at the way he worded it, I nodded, but forgot he couldn't see and replied with a definite yes. "Great! I'll pick you up at five P.M., is that alright? We can go down to my favorite restaurant called Saint Claries," he excited, almost like he was a child in which was going to be buying his favorite toy.

"Sure, that sounds great. I'll see you then," I said back, before pushing the phone back into place and reaching for my crutches on the other side of the bed. It was already four, which left me with one hour to get ready! How on earth am I going to look good in one hour! I groaned to myself, before getting up from bed, placing my crutches under my arms and striding my way over to the closet in my room.

"What kind of clothes do I even have in here again?" I asked myself, as I pulled out dresses that looked more inappropriate than the word itself. Finally, then, in the back of the closet, I found a cute, short floral dress that stopped right before my cast up leg. 

How lovely. I thought, before changing into it and looking at myself in the bathroom mirror across the hall. It was perfect, even though I would most likely be cold going outside in it.

I wore it anyways, as I took out my ponytail, brushed through my hair, and added some makeup onto what others call my face, but with the stitches, looks more like an experiment gone wrong. After an hours worth of prep, I was ready with ten minutes to spare. 

However, like all traditional men, Liam came early to help me in the car. He was dressed up in a cute button down shirt and jeans, which accentuated his built body and made him a whole lot more attractive than before in the grocery store.

"You ready?" he asked, once he got into the driver's seat beside me. Nodding, I looked back to make sure he put my crutches in before buckling myself.

"Yeah, I'm ready," I smiled back at him, as I watched him reverse his jeep out of the driveway and take off down the road; this time with me along for the ride...

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