Seven: The Dress

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"You look stunning," I heard Liam say, as I walked out of the dressing room with wedding dress number seven on. I had asked Liam to come with me dress shopping, for I really didn't want to go with any of the friends I remembered, even if they were the bridesmaids I had picked out to be in my wedding months ago.

"Thanks, but you have said that to about all twenty of the others ones as well," I laughed, as a young female employee around twenty helped me walk over to stand in front of the mirror, since my crutches weren't going to be helping me walk down the aisle; my dad was. The dress I had on was skin tight and long, draping almost all the way over to Mason sitting at least ten feet away on a small velvet couch they had in the shop. It had beautiful flower imprints everywhere, which I adored honestly, but the way it clung to my body just wasn't really my style.

"It's too tight!" I told him, as I looked at him behind me through the mirror. He wore the cutest button down shirt, which hung out from his jeans and shoes, along with the most adorable face as he looked over my dress. I knew he wasn't lying when he said they all looked good, because they did, but secretly I was starting to think there was more than just the wedding dress that made me look 'stunning' as he had said.

"Alright, maybe. But I still like it," he said, sending me to look away from him in the mirror and shake my head to the employee, whose name I had caught was Delia. She was pretty with her long blonde hair, which was curled to perfection atop her head, and her pale, flawless skin that seemed to glow. I was surprised Liam wasn't calling her stunning instead...

"We will go try on some others, be right back," she told to him, before taking me back into the dressing room and helping me remove the dress. "Your fiancé seems to really love you. I mean, he has had nothing bad to say about any of the dresses. That takes pure love to not be selfish and add in your own comments like that," Delia told me, as she helped me place another much poofier, white dress over my head.

It fit perfectly onto my skinny self once pulled down, showing off my small waist and gentle curves. It had a laced top, along with short, laced sleeves, that I never once would of thought to be something I would have liked. Spinning around once in it, the bottom of the dress spun beautifully too, as lace embodied parts of it down to the bottom as well.

"Wait what?" I asked her, forgetting what she had said earlier almost immediately once I had the dress on. Laughing she dismissed her comment, before helping tie the back of the dress into a tight bow that hung down the back. It was perfect. "Let's show him!" I excited, before watching as she grabbed onto my hand and helped me out of the dressing room, holding onto the back of the dress as well so I wouldn't trip.

As I came out, all I could think about was Liam. How would be react, if he would just call it stunning like the other ones. If he would cry? I don't know why I was expecting so much of him after only meeting him a couple of times after the dinner we shared, but everything crossing my mind was nothing but expectations.

"Oh my God," I heard him sigh, as I came out to him and stood before the large mirror. The dress looked even better than before in the small dressing room and I almost started to cry because of how happy I was with it. "You look more beautiful than any other women I've ever seen in my life or ever will," he said, staring wide eyed at me, almost like he was about to cry as well...

"You really think so?" I asked, looking deeper at myself. My eyes were sunken in from lack of sleep the past few nights due to Mason always wanting to stay up late and "enjoy the night" as he would tell me, considering how now I was sleeping with him. My lips were cracked from the February weather outside that never seemed to stay the same, and my hair fell down on each side of me in locks, seeming to be the only thing that was pretty.

"Of course, I wouldn't lie," he smiled, before standing up from the couch and walking over to me. I didn't see him at first until I felt him touch my shoulder, sending me to look over at him. "You should get it," he smiled again, looking at me in the mirror and smiling even brighter. I smiled then too, as it was inevitable to not do so when he was doing the same.

"Alright, I'll take it," I told Dealia, as she held up her hands in excitement and smiled.

"I'll go fill out a form," she told, before leaving Liam and I there to stare at the beauty in front of us until I had to take it off...

"Here you go," Liam said, as he plopped down the wrapped up wedding dress onto the guest bed that I used to sleep in. It look up nearly half the room, which I was surprised by due to how it didn't look that big on me.

"Thanks for carrying that in here," I said to him, as he sat down on the bed and looked up at me. He almost seemed upset. "What's wrong?" I asked him, sitting down as well and holding onto my crutches.

"It's nothing, Auburn. Just your wedding is coming up so soon. You must be happy to be finally getting married," he said, giving me a sideways smile that I could tell was clouded over with a bit of sadness for some reason.

"I am happy, yes. I just wish the old me would give me some hints on why I married Mason in the first place..." I said, trailing off. "I feel like I'm living someone else's life and trying to make them happy, when I don't know if I'm supposed to be happy myself."

"Wait, the old you? What does that mean?" he asked, sending me to look over to him with wide eyes. Did I really just say that? I wondered, looking away and at the floor.

"Never mind, the point is, I just have doubts about the whole engagement sometimes. Maybe it's just cold feet sinking in, but that's what I meant," I told, trying to hide what I said earlier.

"Well, whatever you do, just make sure all of the choices come from you. No one else should decide upon your happiness. If you feel like there could be someone better, don't stay. But if you are sure you fell in love with the most amazing guy on the planet, stay," he ended, making me think long and hard about what he said. He had put everything so simply, yet it was exactly what I needed to hear...

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