Two: Concussion

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Bright lights streamed into my open eyes, as I gasped out from my paralysis and scattered to look about the room. Laying on a white hospital bed, my left leg was cast and elevated to a rather uncomfortable level, while my arms had small stitches placed about. 

What happened? I questioned myself, as I darted my eyes over to my parents beside the left of my bed. They looked ever so happy as their white smiles gleamed across their old, wrinkled up faces. It made me feel a lot better and not feel nearly as scared.

"Oh Auburn! I was so afraid for you!" my mom sobbed, wrapping herself around me in a bear hug. Her long, gray hair messily fell in my face as she softly muted her cries into my shoulder, but I didn't have much energy to do anything about it.

"We were both afraid for you, but glad to know you are okay," my dad spoke as well, a lot more pulled together than my mother. "The damage to your car, however, is another subject..." he spoke in an upset tone, sending my mother to pull away from our hug to shoot him a nasty glare.

"The car doesn't matter Harlow!" she angrily shouted, becoming flustered as she fumed. 

"M-my car?" I stuttered, barely being able to get any words out. Looking over to me in confusion, my parents nodded. "Wha-what happened to my car?" I questioned again, my throat aching with each word released from it.

"You don't even remember what happened to your car? Oh God..." I heard someone else complain on my other side, sending me to turn in bed. The man had short blonde hair, almost in similarity to my medium length sandy blonde, ivory colored skin, and an annoyed look glued to his blue eyes as I met my hazel ones to his. "This is going to take forever..." I heard him say, his pink lips moving as he finished his sentence.

"Are you Mason?" I asked upset from his tone, as he gave me a shocked, almost unbelieving look.

"The nurse did say she had a concussion and might not remember much," my dad said, making me look over to him and ignore the stranger all together.

"A concussion?" I asked frantic, as I looked over to my leg and the tiny stitches placed in my arms once more. What was going on...

"You flipped your car into the ditch and got a bad concussion along with a broken leg and had to have some stitches in your arms and face. It isn't nearly as bad as it could have been though," my dad replied, grabbing onto my hand and holding it tight again as I used my other to trace the small stitches placed in my right cheekbone.

"What was the reason for why I crashed? Did they know?" I wondered, since what they were telling me was pretty terrible. I never speed, let alone put myself in situations where I might end up crashing my car...

"They said the reason for the crash was most likely the bad weather mixed with high speeds while driving," my father told again, frowning over to me as I looked away. "They had told me that immediately when I arrived here,"

I couldn't process what everyone was telling me. I had a concussion? I forgot nearly everything before the crash? Why was I going so fast on those roads? What was so important? All of these questions roamed throughout my head so messily, I could barely understand half of them!

"It looks like someone is awake..." I heard a voice from the door say,  my eyes drifting there to see a young male doctor coming in. "I'm Doctor Reins, it's nice to meet you," he said softly, walking over to shake my hand, as well as everyone else's in the room, quick before washing them in the nearby sink."So I would like to ask you some questions before we do anything else," he told, taking out a pen from behind his fair skinned ear, adjusting the black rimmed glassed he wore, and beginning to write on the clipboard he brought in.

"Sure," I absentmindedly said back, waiting for the first question.

"Full name, please, and date of birth?"

"Auburn Carise Monroe. S-September 18th, 1992," I replied still with a stutter, as he wrote down the information, tucked in his white button down coat a bit more, then returned to question number two.

"And do you remember anyone in this room? Or what happened before any of this?" he asked next, looking over to me for an answer.

"I remember my parents, but otherwise no," I responded, trying to adjust my leg in the elevated cast, but getting yelled at in the end.

"Don't move your leg. It needs to be elevated like that for some time in order for it to become less inflamed," he told, before asking me more questions about how I was feeling, how bad my pain was, and so on.  After about what seemed to be an hour of questions, he finally left me in peace to rest, but that didn't mean others in my room wouldn't stop being annoying...

"Aren't you even going to ask who I am any further?" the stranger wondered after the doctor left, leaning up against the back of the room wall blankly, since he had gotten up from his chair. I looked over to him, forgetting completely that he was even there and biting my lip.

"I'm sorry, y-yes. Tell me," I responded, as he pushed himself up from the wall and walked over to the end of my bed.

"I'm your fiancé. Mason Chiserly?" he stated, making me think long and hard about his name and what he said. I'm engaged? I thought to myself, before shaking my head and looking back over to him.

"Well, I still don't remember you...but I'll try my hardest to," I smiled, as he groaned and turned away. Why is he so irritated? I asked myself, before looking back towards my mom and dad, who were just as confused as I.

"Mason, you don't need to be here. You can leave now, we can take care of Auburn," my dad said upset, looking over at Mason who had his hands placed over his eyes. I could tell he was upset that I still couldn't remember him, but there was a fine line between being mature about it and not. And as of now, he wasn't being very mature at all..

"Alright, I'll meet you back at home when you get out of here Auburn," he said with a rush, before flinging out of the room and the hospital all within the second. Sighing, I wondered why I was marrying such an ignorant guy...but I mean, I must have had a good reason before that I just can't remember now...Right?

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