Eight: Movie Night

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"This is it," I heard Liam say, as we both stared up at his tall two story brown house. He said he wanted to show me where he lived, and I had nothing better to do while Mason was gone, so why not? It had been at least a week since I had seen Liam anyways.

His house looked a bit old, but not run down in any way. There were a few broken windows on the lower level of the house, but the upper looked flawless.

"You own this whole place by yourself?" I asked, before walking up to notice there were two doors instead of just one in the front.

"No, I share it with someone else. I take the top, they the bottom," he told, before walking over to join me and going over to the first door with an engraved '1' marked on it. "There are some stairs, I can help you up them once I open this dang door," he cursed, as he jerked around the key in the door before it finally opened up. "Trickiest in the world," he laughed, before welcoming me into his humble abode.

"I can walk up them myself, I've learned how to at my house. It just takes a while, so go first and I'll meet you up there," I said, as I looked up to what seemed to be at least twenty steps until the top and set my crutches onto the floor. 

"Oh yeah right, like I would have you climb up those yourself!" Liam said with a chuckle, before scooping me up in his arms and bringing me up the stairs himself.

"Let me down! Liam, my God! I'm too heavy, you'll kill us both!" I laughed, as he tightened his grip around me and kept walking up.

"Oh yeah, because 98 pounds is overweight," he laughed along with me, as I nudged him in the chest with my hand.

"I do not weigh 98 pounds! 130 is what you're carrying right now," I giggled, before realizing we were already at the top of the stairs, yet he hadn't put me down. "You do know I can stand right?" I asked him, our eyes meeting for a mere second, a feeling way beyond the both of us sinking in.

"Sorry," he muttered, carrying me over to the living room that was connected right off the stairway. It looked extremely new, with leather couches, a wide screen T.V. mounted on a wall, new carpeting that smelled amazing, and a coffee table that sat between the couch and T.V. that held many papers.

"It looks great in here," I told him, as he sat me down on one of his plush couches and looked around as well.

"I guess," he laughed, before going back down the stairs for my crutches. While he was gone for that mere ten seconds it seemed, I looked around some more at his small place, where the kitchen was adorned off the living room, and a room and bathroom beside that. It was the perfect size for anyone living alone. "I re-vamped it earlier last month in January before I met you, that's probably why it looks fairly new," he noted, as he walked back up the stairs and set my crutches beside me on the couch.

"It's very, very nice," I added afterwards, as he sat down on a small reclining chair across from mine.

"Thanks," he said, before looking over at me and grinning. "So, I was thinking..." he hesitated, crossing his legs and leaning back in his chair.

"Oh God, that's never a good thing!" I laughed, making him laugh a bit too.

"I was thinking we could watch a movie. Never in a romantic way, what-so-ever, so don't get any ideas now," he had to add in, making me roll my eyes at him. "But I just found this really good movie at the store and thought it would be a good one to watch with you."

"Well what's it called?" I asked, since I really didn't know what kind of tastes he enjoyed.

"Insidious," he said quickly, while jumping up from his chair and going over to grab the movie from the kitchen counter.

"What's Insidious? It sounds scary..." I hesitantly said, while leaning back into the couch a bit.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm here to keep you safe," Liam said nonchalant, while he turned on the T.V. and placed the movie in the D.V.D. slot.

"I thought you said this wasn't going to be romantic though?" I asked, since saying he would protect me sounded a bit like he would be sitting real close, holding my hand or something. Which was definitely romantic in my opinion...

"It's not. I can keep you safe from a pretend movie without being romantic, can't I?" he wondered, as he stood up from putting in the movie and came over to sit on the opposite side of the couch with me. Yeah right like he was going to keep his word and not be romantic. It was the oldest trick in the book. I thought, as he pushed play on the movie and started it up.

"If you say so..." I joked, while curling up in a make shift ball on the couch and watching as the movie started...

"Turn it off! Turn it off!" I screamed, as we weren't even half way through with the terribly scary film.

"Auburn, you're okay," I heard Liam say to me on the other side of the couch, as I covered my eyes with my arms in hopes that would protect me from having nightmares which consisted of demons taking over my body. "It's only a movie, they're only actors!" he tried telling me, as I shook from how bad the movie was getting as Liam didn't pause it.

"I don't care! It's scary!" I yelled, as I accidentally peeked a look at the screen to see a bloody site coming into play as the movie hit the rising action. Jumping up and flying into Liam, I knew I was acting like a child, but I couldn't help it! I apparently didn't do very good with horror movies...

"Auburn," he laughed, while I clung onto him for dear life. "Wow, you really are shaking," he noted, as he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me into him. Immediately from that action I froze up, realizing what was happening. He said nothing was going to get romantic, but this wasn't exactly that in my opinion, right? It was more like comforting someone from terrifying horror. Yeah, that was it. That was what I was going to go with.

Taking a deep breath, I buried my face into his chest, as he wrapped me up in his arms, and closed my eyes; completely forgetting about the movie for the rest of the night while he was holding me. It was the strangest thing in all honesty, to not be scared after just having a panic attack practically. But, immediately once enclosed inside his arms I felt safe and secure, something I never really felt with Mason.

And I knew it was crazy to feel so strongly about someone I had just met not any more than a month ago, but everything just felt so right with Liam and it made me so frustrated because I knew I couldn't have him. I had Mason, and I had to accept that fact, I was going to get married to Mason...

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