Fifteen: Gun Point

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However, all within the instance of me trying to escape once more, I heard something loud bang up against the bedroom door. Scattering back and staring wide eyed, as the mysterious bang was followed with nothing but silence after, I watched as the door was knocked over completely and tossed down to the floor in one big heap. Along with the door, came Liam, who seemed knocked out just as much as the door just was.

Trying to speak, even scream, I knew I couldn't with the tape and whined as I watched him lie there effortlessly on the floor. Did he knock the door down? Or someone else? I wondered to myself, as I switched my eyes from Liam to the person behind him.

To my surprise, lying on the floor, was the woman that had thrown me in here. She didn't look dead, but knocked out for sure, which made me realize that Liam was the one who had broken open the door! Smiling best I could, I looked back to him, who's head turned slightly before he slowly groaned and seemed to be waking up. Oh, good. I thought once more, as I watched him slowly regain himself and come over to my side in an instance.

"Liam! Liam!" I muffled, crying still a bit, as he pulled off the tape covering my mouth and looked into my eyes.

"Auburn are you alright?" he asked, a bit woozy it seemed after being thrown onto the floor as hard as he had. Nodding and trying not to think about the pain my wrists were in, I looked more closely at Liam. Immediately then I noticed his face slightly bruised, as well as a faintly visible bloody nose that had seemed to happen earlier.

Before I could ask if he was okay or not, Liam was already working on removing myself from being tied up, something I forgot I had been for a moment there. And as I remembered where I was, instead of focusing solely on Liam's well-being, I remembered Mason and how he had gone to the bathroom not any more than five minutes ago.

"Liam, Mason is-"

"Mason is what?" I heard someone say, sending me to look at Liam beside me who threw the ropes he had finished untying onto the floor. Bringing my hands down beside me and sitting up in bed, I looked back, as same did Liam, to see Mason standing in the bathroom doorway. "Well do continue your conversation," he smirked, before walking in closer to us, his hands behind us back.

"Mason, it's over. You lost, just let us go and we won't press charges," Liam said kindly, grabbing my hand a bit behind him, almost as if he knew what was to be foreseen. Almost instantly then, Masons' hands came flying up...holding a pistol.

My heart might have skipped a beat out of fear, but it definitely didn't stop, for everything in me took a great amount of strength to stay calm. Never had I ever been in a situation like that before, never had I ever been that scared...but I knew with Liam at my side, everything would be somehow okay. Even if we did die tonight...

"I didn't lose just yet," Mason responded, facing the gun at us steadily with both his hands. However, upon looking down at the busted door and woman face down in the hallway, his eyes drooped. "What did you do to her?" he asked Liam, facing back towards us angry, pulling the trigger of the gun into the ceiling above us all.

Shooting back from not expecting it, I grabbed onto Liam's hand harder and held it near me. I was definitely not the type of girl that needed a guy to save her, but in that instance, I didn't know anything else. All I needed was security, and Liam was it.

"Mason," I started brave, slowly getting off the bed and going over to stand beside Liam. I knew that at this point, I needed to calm him down if anything, because otherwise nothing good was bound to occur. "I didn't want to leave you, you know that," I said, squeezing Liam's hand in mine. "But you were the one who made me do it. You let this happen, you cheated on me!" I ended, watching as his eyes scanned mine eagerly.

"You cheated on me as well! You were seeing him while you were with me!" he yelled, pointing the gun at Liam and smirking. "You are ultimately the one who ruined everything. Because if you were never here, she would have never gotten the idea that there was anyone better than me," he snickered at Liam, shaking the gun towards him like a child.

"Mason, I never cheated. Liam did nothing," I added, trying my hardest to calm him down once more.

"Liar," he shouted, shooting off the gun once more and nearly hitting Liam in the head. Shaking slightly as fear encased my bones, Liam ducked into me for shelter, making me stand in front of him instinctively. I then realized I had to do what was best, even if it meant forgetting everything I knew was right.

"Alright, I'm sorry," I said to Mason, sending him to look over at me instead of Liam behind me. "I'm sorry that I cheated on you, I should of known better," I told him, as he slowly loosened up on his gun, yet still pointed it at us. "I love you, okay? And I want us to live happily like before. But in order for me to do that you have to let Liam go, he is innocent. He won't tell anyone, is that okay?" I ended, releasing from Liam's grasp still on my hand and walking over to Mason. Shaking still, I eased my hand up to the gun in his and carefully took it into my own custody.

"Do you really mean all that?" Mason said, smiling towards me as I stood in front of him. Smiling back, I knew what I was about to do was something not even Liam was expecting, not even I would of thought of it. However, I knew it was best, and quickly pulled the trigger of the gun, the ringing of it all echoing throughout my ears...

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