Barbara Shelby -part 5

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The next morning as I wake to the sounds of voices downstairs I slowly get out of bed putting on my dressing gown. As I make my way downstairs I hear a John and Arthur laughing I see aunt Polly at the stove cooking the morning breakfast.

"Finally you're awake" aunt Polly says as I give her a hug. I move towards John and Arthur kissing them both on the cheek I steal a piece of Arthur's bacon causing him to growl at me playfully swat at me I giggle as I sit down next to him.

"You're lucky you made it down in time I thought John was going to eat all the food before you can get some" says uncle Arthur

"What are you talking about you fuck you're the one who's been eating all the food" John huffs

Aunt Polly lays a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of me with a fresh cup on tea. She kisses me on top of the head. As she lights one of her elegant brown cigarette. Picking up the news paper reading it.

"So tell us what happened last night " John says

As Arthur asks "how did it go?"

I proceed to tell them how it went and that plans have been made to see each other again they both nod their heads glad that things are going the way that they want.

"So where's dad?" I ask "why isn't he here to hear about the news as well"

Uncle Arthur huffs looking down it suddenly feels awkward. "Your father is taking Charlie and Grace to go see a horse that he's interested in purchasing" he says.

I mumbled a soft oh, as I start eating my breakfast as quickly as I can to leave the awkwardness and start my day.

"John and I are going to go hunting do you want to come with us ?" Uncle Arthur questions I smiled brightly because he knows I live for those moments when him and I get to spend time together and hunt.

I quickly eat as fast as I can running up the stairs to my room I could hear them chuckling behind me knowing how excited I am to go.



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(Outfit you wear to hunt)

I ride in the front seat with uncle Arthur as John is in the back smoking away we make our way to my fathers house to hunt on his land. I look at the house I once called home and feel nothing but a ghost of a memory because it's no longer considered my home for I have not lived there since when Grace was pregnant with Charlie.

My dad didn't seem to mind though all his time was devoted to Grace and Charlie if it wasn't devoted to them then it was always devoted to the business I was always on the back burner dead last alone. Tear slides on my face and I quickly rub it away as I think about how my relationship with my father has changed because of that wicked woman.

 Tear slides on my face and I quickly rub it away as I think about how my relationship with my father has changed because of that wicked woman

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We grab Winchester rifles from the car making our way to hunt. As we walk through the forest all John and Arthur can find a rabbit two of them. Then all of a sudden I noticed a buck off in the distance I slowly crouch down and try to not make noise as I look down my rifle I take a deep breath as I slowly pull the trigger the sound is deafening the buck falls to the forest floor.

I hear uncle John and uncle Arthur hooting and hollering behind me they come up behind me clapping me on the back as they pick my buck up. Carry it back towards dads house.

As we approach the house we notice a car, my fathers car coming up the driveway. I look down keep my eyes on the ground as I walk alongside my uncles I hear car doors opening and closing.

" Wow what a beautiful buck you have there gentlemen "I hear Grace say

John chuckles saying "it was all Barbara doing she's the one who shot it" uncle Arthur nods his head and agrees.

Grace scuffs "why don't you like to do something more lady like" she says

I huff and roll my eyes biting my tongue. I look up meeting my fathers eyes holding my baby brother Charlie making grabby hands at me the times when I was around him he's always want me to hold and rock him.

I smile at Charlie he has dads looks between Charlie and I. Dad suddenly looks to the three of us and says "you three stay for dinner I know Charlie would like that"

Arthur huffs " what you want it is that you want your daughter to stay for dinner only want her to stay for your son sake" wrapping his arms around me

Uncle Arthur never liked the way my father treated me when Grace came into the picture he knew that she was no good and nothing ever would come good from having her around. That's why he is like my father figure.

Grace scuffs and rolls her eyes and starts marching towards the house leaving us all behind.

Barbara Shelby Where stories live. Discover now