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Standing in front of these 7 guys made me fidget I hate being the center of attention and since my sisters already introduced themselves it was my turn and literally 14 eyes were fixated on me.
"My name is y-y/n"

Well simply put fuck my life curse me and my nervous stutters who in the love of all things anime gave you permission to stutter when you're nervous,seriously which goddess decided I'm gonna make this girl a nervous wreck and the cherry on top will be the fact that she can't hide that nervousness I avoided eye contact with everyone and put my hands in my pockets I didn't pay attention to the conversation until the guys decided to introduce themselves guess I'll try to remember their names but honestly who will be able to remember seven boys names after one meeting.

First the twins stepped forward

"Hi I'm chokichi"

"And I'm rei"

They came towards us with arms spread wide and my natural instinct was to back away wanting no one to think I was rude

"Sorry I have to take this"

I held my phone up leaving my sisters to get hugged as I ran out with the phone to my ear.

After a while of standing with my phone to my ear I was struck by another thought,I have to walk back in that room alone I started pacing outside the door when I heard footsteps I quickly put the phone to my ear.

"O-ok bye"

"Are you done with your call y/n"

"Y-yes mister Daido"

"Was it an important call?"

"No not really just um a friend" I felt bad about lying but what was I supposed to say I don't like people touching me so I lied that I had a call so I could get out of hugging.

He laughed "no need to be so nervous and you can stop calling me mister I am your father now"

"O-ok mister Daido"

"I mean" my face scrunched up wait what am I supposed to call him


"I'm sorry what"

"You can call me dad"

I let out a nervous laugh I've never called anyone dad that sounds so weird but will it be rude if I don't call him by that word  aaaaaaah this is too much.

"You don't have to right now but I hope over time you will"

I let out a sigh of relief and nodded then he led me back to the living room by the shoulder,we got to the living room and the first thing I noticed was my sisters and mother were no longer there.

"They went to see their rooms and your mother went to show them I'll be showing you once they finish introduce themselves don't worry"

He kept holding my shoulder in a way to keep me from being nervous I guess I was easy to read ( no not in a creepy way he is just trying to be a good step dad I'm not adding him as a love interest but if you guys do like older guys please let me know so I can add some)

He stood next to me while his sons introduced themselves the twins waved at me from the couch and I waved and  smiled awkwardly next to introduce themselves were the two boys who looked like younger versions of the man standing next to me.

"Hi my name is iwa"

"I'm raiko"

I nodded my head as if to say I heard

The next two to introduce themselves were the purple haired ones

"My name is hideo"


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